怎样画平面构成作业及图片?结构平面图绘制的要点总结及技巧( 七 )

2φ25+2φ22 means that there are fourribs, 2φ25 isin the , and 2φ22 isin the .
⑹ When the upperbars on both sides of theof the beam are , they must beon both sides of the ; when the upperbars on both sides of theare the same, they can beon only one side of the .
⑺ Theofbars ( bars,bars) in the beam mid-spanbeto thesuch as theand theoflimbs. When ,bars must bein . To show thewith the -rib.
: 2φ22+(2φ12) is used for limb hoop, of which 2φ22 is thebar and 2φ12 is the erect bar.
⑻ When the upper and lowerbars of the beam arebars, the upper and lower??can beby ";".
: 3φ22; 3φ20 means that the beamribs, the upper part is 3φ22, and the lower part is 3φ20.
【怎样画平面构成作业及图片?结构平面图绘制的要点总结及技巧】郑重声明:本文版权归原作者所有 , 转载文章仅出于传播更多信息之目的 。如果作者信息标注有误 , 请尽快联系我们修改或删除 , 谢谢 。