怎样画平面构成作业及图片?结构平面图绘制的要点总结及技巧( 六 )

⒉剖面标注法:在标准层绘制的剪力墙平面图上 , 直接标注墙柱、墙体、墙梁上的剖面尺寸和配筋值 。
⑴选择合适的比例尺放大 , 现场绘制剪力墙平面图 。对每根墙柱、墙体、墙梁分别??编号(编号方法见第一章) 。
2从墙柱中选择一个编号相同的截面 , 并标注截面尺寸 , 所有纵筋和箍筋的具体值(注解要求与横柱相同) 。
3 从相同编号的墙中选出一堵墙 , 按照墙号、墙厚、水平分布、垂直分布、拉杆的顺序记下具体数值 。
⑷从相同编号的墙梁中选择一个墙梁 , 依次引用墙梁编号、截面尺寸、箍筋、上纵筋、下纵筋和墙梁顶面高差墙梁顶面标高差是指墙梁所在结构楼板相对于楼板标高的高差值 。较高的值为正值 , 较低的值为负值 。
⑸必要时可以用括号“()”和尖括号“”来区分和表达剪力墙平面图上不同标准层的标注值 。
⑹如果几根墙柱(或墙体)的截面尺寸和配筋相同 , 只是截面与轴线的关系不同 , 可以编码为相同的墙柱(或墙体)号.
⑺在连梁中设置横斜杆时 , 应画出横梁的结构细节 , 并注明设置横梁的连梁编号 。
梁级施工图也有横截面标注和平面标注两种 。When the beam is a - , thecan be used,the planebe used.
The beam floor plan shall be drawn inscale in,all beams and their, walls, and slabs. For beams whose grid lines are not , theirbe( for beams that areto the edge of the ). When theof local beams is too dense, the dense area can bewithlines, and thenafter, or theandbeams can be drawnon two .
, in theof the beam level , the topof eachlayer and thelayershall bein a table or in other ways.
⒈ Theis toone beam from the beams withon the beam floor plan drawn by thelayer, and use theto draw out the, andthesize andon it.value.can be used alone or inwith.
⒉ The planeis toone beam withon the beam plan and write thesize andvalue on it.
and in-situ . Thebeam ,size, , etc.many spans, and thein situ onlythis span. Theis as :
(1) The beamand the basic value of beamsize,and mid-spanthat aretospans arein a, andcan be drawn from any span of the beam; the beamandarein-situ . For aspan beamsize, , mid-span , waist , etc., which arefrom the, their??can bein-situ.
(2) The beamisof beam type code,, spanand the code with or, whichmeet theof Table 10-1.
Table 10-1
Beam type codeand spanandit has
Floor frame beam KLXX(XX) or (XXA) or (XXB)
Roof frame beam WKLXX(XX) or (XXA) or (XXB)
Framebeam KZLXX (XX) or (XXA) or (XXB)
Non-frame beam LXX(XX) or (XXA) or (XXB)
beam XLXX
Note: (XXA) meansat one end, (XXB) meansat both ends,are notin theof spans.
: KL7(5A)the No. 7 frame beam, with 5 spans and aat one end.
⑶Thesize of equal- beams isby bXh; the beams withareby ×ht, where Lt is theof the , and ht is theof the ; when theof the roots and ends of thebeams are , theline " /"the root and end.
: 300××250 means that the mid-spanof the addedbeam is 300×700, theis 500, and theis 250;
200×500/300 means the width of thebeam is 200, theat the root is 500, and theat the end is 300.
⑷ Thethearea and the non- area of ?? isby a slash "/". When the beamare of the same , the slash is not ; theoflegs isbyin.
: φ8@100/200(4) that thetheareas is 100 and thethe non- areas is 200, both of which are limb hoops.
⑸ When there are more than one row ofbars on the upper or lower part of the beam, each row ofbars shall beby a slash "/" in the order from top to ; when there are twoofbars in the same row, a plus sign "+" shall be used. " theribs of the two , and theribs at thearein the front when .
: 6φ254/2 means that theribs in therow are 4φ25, and theribs in the next row are 2φ25;