Allexinno製作单曲 Loving You

Allexinno製作单曲 Loving You

Loving You(Allexinno製作单曲)【Allexinno製作单曲 Loving You】《Loving You》是由罗马尼亚音乐製作人Allexinno製作、Mirabela录唱的一首歌曲,单曲于2013年5月16日通过Clover Media发行 。
外文名称:loving you
所属专辑:loving you
I know you're leaving今夜过后In the morning我知道 明日晨曦之时 便是你我分离之时And there's nothing但今夜我只能静静的躺在床上I can do, oh no想着你那熟睡的面颊 不由得嘴角微微上扬Lying in my bed却只能让明早的你离开我的身边Stars upon my head头顶的满天繁星Tell the story似乎在悄悄的再告诉我以后的浪漫爱情故事Of my bad romance不禁让我想起那迷人的画面I run to you我为你而活Babe I cry for you为你哭泣And i'm always fighting为了你For a better love我竭尽全力I jump to you想奔向你那坚实有力的臂膀之中 让我倍感安全I could die for you我能为你而亡 敢做一切Would you believe?你愿意相信我对你的这种至死不渝吗Don't tell me to stop请别告诉我这有点疯狂Now I can't stop loving you只因你的爱就是我的一切And there's nothing I can do倘若没有你的日子里There's no rain and no sun天空都失去了色彩Without you生活变得乏味无趣Don't tell me to stop不要阻止我Now I can't stop loving you和你讴歌那千里共婵娟的不朽爱情And there's nothing I can do没有你There's no rain and no sun我黯然失色Without you犹如行尸走肉I see you look当我凝视着你的眼睛Into my eyes在你那深邃的眼眸中 也发现了我的瞳孔But I want you to look但我想要的是你能看穿我的心思Inside my heart我内心的想法You got the key随我持有钥匙Babe you hold the lock但你那把爱情之锁是如此的牢固And I know you got你知道用什幺样的方式方法The power to stop去阻止我开启爱的心扉I run to you我为你而活Babe I cry for you但也为得不到你而哭泣And i'm always fighting为了你我的永恆For a better love.我从来没有放弃过尝试I jump to you为你思绪高涨I could die for you为你愿不惜一切Would you believe?你知道我对你的这份用意吗Don't tell me to stop请不要拒绝我Now I can't stop loving you我没法不想起你And there's nothing I can do没有你的日子里There's no rain and no sun天空都失去了色彩Without you生活变得乏味无趣Don't tell me to stop请不要拒绝我Now I can't stop loving you我就喜欢你And there's nothing I can do没有你的日子里There's no rain and no sun便是阴云密布Without you生活都失去了光彩I can't stop不行I can't stop我抑制不住自己Loving you对你的爱Oh no, no I can't stop我控制不住我自己I can't stop控制不了Loving you, loving you向你表达我的爱意Don't tell me to stop不要拒绝我Now I can't stop loving you我已深深的陷入对你的爱And there's nothing I can do没有你的日子There's no rain and no sun一切都变得不那幺正常了Without you生活 天气 都诙谐无色Don't tell me to stop不要拒绝我Now I can't stop loving you我对你是万般真心 今生今世只爱你And there's nothing I can do,没有你There's no rain and no sun我无法想想我的今后会怎样Without you.你知道吗 有一种感觉叫有你真好 那正是我需要的