Owl City演唱歌曲 Silhouette

Owl City演唱歌曲 Silhouette

Silhouette(Owl City演唱歌曲)【Owl City演唱歌曲 Silhouette】《Silhouette》是Owl City演唱的歌曲,发行于2012年的专辑《The Midsummer Station》中 。
所属专辑:The Midsummer Station(仲夏驿站)
歌曲原唱:Owl City
英文歌词I’m tired of waking up in tearsCos I can’t put to bed these phobias and fearsI’m new to this grief I can’t explainBut I’m no stranger to the heartache and the painThe fire I began is burning me aliveBut I know better than to leave and let it dieI’m a silhouette asking every now and thenIs it over yet? Will I ever feel again?
Owl City演唱歌曲 Silhouette

歌曲配图I’m a silhouette chasing rainbows on my ownBut the more I try to move on, the more I feel aloneSo I watch the summer stars to lead me homeI’m sick of the past I can’t eraseA jumble of footprints and hasty steps I can’t retraceThe mountain of things I still regretIs a vile reminder that I would rather just forget (no matter where I go)The fire I began is burning me aliveBut I know better than to leave and let it dieI’m a silhouette asking every now and thenIs it over yet? Will I ever smile again?I’m a silhouette chasing rainbows on my ownBut the more I try to move on, the more I feel aloneso I watch the summer stars to lead me homecause I walk alone(no matter where I go)cause I walk alone(no matter where I go)cause I walk alone(no matter where I go)I’m a silhouette asking every now and thenIs it over yet? Will I ever love again?I’m a silhouette chasing rainbows on my ownBut the more I try to move on, the more I feel aloneso I watch the summer stars to lead me homeI watch the summer stars to lead me home完整版译本SilhouetteOwl CityI'm tired of waking up in tears醒来伴随着泪水 我的心已不堪疲惫Cos I can't put to bed these phobias and fears是我无法带着沉痛入睡I'm new to this grief I can't explain这种无法言喻的痛苦似是而非But I'm no stranger to the heartache and the pain但心头之伤痛认清了我是谁The fire I began is burning me alive曾经点燃的火焰 如今折磨着我的心But I know better than to leave and let it die但我明白离开是最好的选择 哪怕烧成灰烬I'm a silhouette asking every now and then我只是一抹残影 向每一个时间寻求回应Is it over yet? Will I ever feel again?一切都结束了吗?这种感觉是否会重回我心?I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own我只是一抹残影 追逐着彩虹的方向But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone可越是向前一步,就越孤单悲伤So I watch the summer stars to lead me home夏夜的星辰请把疲惫的我带回家乡I'm sick of the past I can't erase回忆泛滥印在心上A jumble of footprints and hasty steps I can't retrace连纷乱的脚步也无法效仿The mountain of things I still regret我淹没在悔恨的海洋Is a vile reminder that 它们卑鄙地提醒着我I would rather just forget (no matter where I go)也许该遗忘(无论去向何方)The fire I began is burning me alive曾经点燃的火焰 如今折磨着我的心But I know better than to leave and let it die但我明白离开是最好的选择 哪怕烧成灰烬I'm a silhouette asking every now and then我只是一抹残影 向每一个时间寻求回应Is it over yet? Will I ever smile again?一切都结束了吗?我是否还会有微笑发自内心?I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own我只是一抹残影 追逐着彩虹的方向But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone可越是向前一步,就越孤单悲伤So I watch the summer stars to lead me home夏夜的星辰请把疲惫的我带回家乡Cos I walk alone独自前行(no matter where I go)没有方向Cos I walk alone孤单作伴(no matter where I go)无论何方Cos I walk alone迷失在回忆(no matter where I go)迷失了有你的地方I'm a silhouette asking every now and then我只是一抹残影 向每一个时间寻求回应Is it over yet? Will I ever love again?一切都结束了吗?我是否还能再拥有爱情?I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own我只是一抹残影 追逐着彩虹的方向But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone可越是向前一步,就越孤单悲伤So I watch the summer stars to lead me home夏夜的星辰请把疲惫的我带回家乡I watch the summer stars to lead me home夏夜的星辰请把疲惫的我带回家乡简版译本已厌倦了醒来时的泪因为我还是无法拥着噩梦安然入睡在陌生的人群中迷茫但心底的痛楚有唤起了熟悉的悲伤我点燃的篝火 将我的生命照亮可离开也是我 任它熄灭被遗忘 我只是残影 询问着现在和曾经还要过多久 才能体会最初的心境我只是残影 追逐着消失的彩虹一步步的靠近 却一点点的心痛孤独的繁星请伴我入梦已错过的身影一去不回纷乱的足迹和记忆没勇气去面对悔恨和失望放肆生长擦不掉的阴影渐渐填满这一颗心脏我点燃的篝火 将我的生命照亮可离开也是我 任它熄灭被遗忘我只是残影 询问着现在和曾经还要过多久 才能学会微笑的表情我只是残影 追逐着消失的彩虹一步步的靠近 却一点点的心痛孤独的繁星请伴我入梦一人彷徨 没有你的方向一人悲伤 没有你的时光一人眺望 你到底在何方我只是残影 询问着现在和曾经还要过多久 才能寻回失去的爱情我只是残影 追逐着消失的彩虹一步步的靠近 却一点点的心痛孤独的繁星请伴我入梦—— by 青陌乐队简介2007年美国大学二年级学生Adam Young在明尼苏达州创建了猫头鹰之城乐队,Adam是该乐队的唯一成员,乐队的创作、编曲、作词、混音合成、主唱全由Adam担任 。乐队成立不久,便发行了首张EP《Of June》 。2008年乐队发行了首张专辑《Maybe I’m Dreaming》 。2009年,乐队先后发行了单曲《Hot Air Balloon》、《Strawberry A valanche》,2009年7月14日乐队发行了全新专辑《Ocean Eyes》 。近年不断创作出一首首单曲,2011年,Adam宣布了新专辑《All Things Bright And Beatuiful》的创作的讯息 。《All Things Bright And Beatuiful》终于于2011年6月14日发布 。2012年4月Adam在OwlCity官网上透露8月将会推出新专辑《The Midsummer Station》 。作为新专辑的预热,2012年5月15日推出了EP《Shooting Star》 。2012年8月21日正式推出《The Midsummer Station》 。