beach是什么意思|beach的音标|beach的用法( 四 )

4. This is a data breach of an unprecedented scale that led to actual financial fraud.
5. China's regulation to censor the content that Google provides to Chinese Internet users has been interpreted as a breach to freedom in the virtual world.
6. This is the second cyber security breach which has come to light this year in the navy.
7. Limiting operations to the protection of Japanese vessels would avoid a breach of current legislation.
8. The Japanese government's denial of the sovereignty dispute is a breach of both human history and basic facts.
9. The US Department of Defense has issued a specific set of instructions on conducting foreign exchanges to prevent breach of military secrecy.
10. He added that the government will investigate the cause of the dike breach in response to public concerns about the integrity of the dike's construction.
breach 英英释义
1. a failure to perform some promised act or obligation
2. a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)
e.g. they hoped to avoid a break in relations
Synonym: rupturebreakseveranceriftfalling out
3. an opening (especially a gap in a dike or fortification)
1. make an opening or gap in
Synonym: gap
2. act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
e.g. offend all laws of humanity
violate the basic laws or human civilization
break a law
break a promise
Synonym: transgressoffendinfractviolatego againstbreak