
including 基本解释
介词包括; 包含
动词包含; 包括( include的现在分词); 列入; 包住
including 情景对话
Shopping Centers-(购物中心)
B:What sort of shopping is nearby, Mr. Taylor?
A:Call me John. This is a great area of the city for shopping. There’s a grocery store just around the corner.
叫我约翰吧 。这一带是市区里购物的好地方 。在附近有一个食品杂货店 。
B:What about things other than food?
A:Well, the Riverside Mall has 200 stores in it, including four major department stores.
噢,河畔购物中心内有200家店铺,还包括4家主要的百货商店 。
B:Are there small shops near here as well?
A:Yes, on 4th street, near the movie theater there are many specialty shops, including clothing boutiques.
是的,在第4大街,电影院附近有很多专卖店,其中还有专卖流行衣服的商店 。
B:Well, that sounds just wonderful.
噢,听起来倒挺好 。
A:Yes, it’s a really nice neighborhood.
是呀,这个地方可真不错 。
A:Id like to check in, please.
我想登记办理住宿手续 。
B:Awfully sorry, sir. There are no rooms available now.
非常抱歉,先生 。现在没有空房了 。
A:But I have reserved a room the day before yesterday.
但是我在前天已预定房间了 。
B:Sorry. May I have your name?
对不起,请问您的名字 。
A:Tom Wang.
汤姆,张 。
B:Please wait a minute. Let me check. Excuse me, but I cant seem to find your name on our list. Are you sure you have a reservation for tonight?
请等一下,我来查下记录…对不起,先生,名册上找不到您的大名 。您确定您约定了今晚的房间了吗?
A:Of course, I did it myself.
当然,我亲自预定的 。
B:Im terribly sorry. There must have been some mistakes. Let me check it again. Oh, yes. There is a name listed as Tom Huang. It must be the fault of the clerk who registered your name. I apologize.
太抱歉了 。一定是除了什么错误 。让我再查查…是的,这有一个登记的名字是汤姆,黄 。一定是登记的职员在记录您的名字时出了错 。我再次表示抱歉 。
A:Dont worry about that.
没关系 。
B:According to the records, your reservation is for a single room with shower and air conditioner for two nights. The room rate will be $110 per night, including 10% tax and 4% service charge. Is it right?
根据记录,您预定的是一个带有淋浴和空调的单人间,两个晚上 。房费是每晚110美元,包括10%的税收和4%的服务费 。对吗?
A:Yes, thats right. Id like to pay my bill by credit card.
对 。我用信用卡结帐 。
B:May I take a print of your card?
A:Here you are.
好的 。
B:OK. Now could you fill out this registration card?
现在请您填一下住宿登记表吧 。
A:All right.
可以 。
B:Your room number is 707. Here is your key. The bellhop will help you to carry the suitcases to your room.Have a nice evening.
您是在707房间,这是门钥匙 。行李员会帮您把箱子送到房间 。祝您晚安 。
International Trade-(国际贸易)
A:Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking.
喂,业务部,我是贝蒂.尔兹 。
B:Hello, Ms Fields. This is Ralph Peterson at World Computers.