beach是什么意思|beach的音标|beach的用法( 二 )

5. The breaching party shall have the opportunity to cure the breach of which it has been notified during this 30 day notice period.
在此30日通知期限内,违约方有机会纠正被通知的违约情况 。
6. B if the breaching Party fails to cure the breach within the Cure Period (or, if there is none, at any time following such breach), then in addition to its other rights under Article 14.1 or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved Party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach.
b 如果违约方未在补救期内予以补救(或者如果没有补救期,那么在该等违约后的任何时候),则除了14.1条或有关法律规定的权利之外,受损害方还可就违约引起的直接和可预见的损失提出索赔 。
7. B if the breaching party fails to cure the breach within the Cure Period (or, if there is none, at any time following such breach), then in addition to its other rights under Article 20.1 or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved Party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach.
b 如果违约方未在补救期内予以补救(或者如果没有补救期,那么在该等违约后的任何时候),则除了第20.1 条款项或相关法律项下的权利之外,受损害方还可就违约引起的直接的和可预见的损失提出索赔 。
8. breach的反义词
8. B if the breaching Party fails to cure the breach within the Cure Period (or, if there is none, at any time following such breach), then in addition to its other rights under Article 15.1 or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved Party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach.
b 如果违约方未在补救期内予以补救(或者如果没有补救期,那么在该等违约后的任何时候),则除了第15.1条或有关法律下的权利之外,受损害方还可就违约引起的直接和可预见的损失提出索赔 。
9. breach的意思
9. If one party breaches the same obligation more than once, upon the occurrence of the third breach, the non-breaching party, at its option, may terminate the agreement, without providing the breaching party an opportunity to cure such breach.
如果一方不止一次违反相同的责任,一旦出现第三次违约,非违约方可以选择不向违约方提供纠正违约情况的机会而终止该协议 。
10. If you have concrete example of any breach of the directive by local authorities, let me have it.
如果你有关于地方政府违反该通知的具体的案例,请告知 。
11. He must act on any breach of a Rule that he observes or is reported to him.
他必须对自己观察到的和接到报告的任何违犯规则的行为采取行动 。
12. breach
12. He never do any thing that breach the profit of the group.
他不做任何违背集体利益的事 。
13. Reason of any breach by the Client of this Agreement. These indemnities shall be in addition to any
14. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.
我向您保证,一切手续均为合法的,您不会收到任何法律方面的困扰 。
15. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate Arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the Law.
我保证,这将是一个合法的安排下,能够防止任何违法你执行 。
16. Protect you from any breach of the law.