commo是什么意思|commo的音标|commo的用法( 四 )

Common is used to indicate that someone or something is of the ordinary kind and not special in any way.
e.g. Democracy might elevate the common man to a position of political superiority...
民主也许能提升普通人的政治地位,让他们产生优越感 。
e.g. Common salt is made up of 40% sodium and 60% chloride.
食盐由40%的钠和60%的氯化物构成 。
5. (礼貌等)通常的,起码的
Common decency or common courtesy is the decency or courtesy which most people have. You usually talk about this when someone has not shown these characteristics in their behaviour to show your disapproval of them.
e.g. It is common decency to give your seat to anyone in greater need...
给更有需要的人让座是最起码的礼貌 。
e.g. He didn't have the common courtesy to ask permission.
他连邀准这种最起码的礼貌都没有 。
6. (知识等)众所周知的,共有的,共识的
You can use common to describe knowledge, an opinion, or a feeling that is shared by people in general.
e.g. It is common knowledge that swimming is one of the best forms of exercise.
大家都知道游泳是最好的锻炼方式之一 。
e.g. ...the common view that acupuncture is only a fringe area of medicine.
A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy.
大家一致认为,青少年有点叛逆是正常的 。
7. 粗俗的;缺乏教养的
If you describe someone or their behaviour as common, you mean that they show a lack of taste, education, and good manners.
e.g. She might be a little common at times, but she was certainly not boring.
她有时候可能有点粗俗,但绝对不会让人生厌 。
8. (通常指村庄、小镇或其附近的)公共草地
A common is an area of grassy land, usually in or near a village or small town, where the public is allowed to go.
e.g. We are warning women not to go out on to the common alone.
我们告诫女性不要独自去公共草地 。
e.g. ...Wimbledon Common.
9. 同 the House of Commons;(亦指)下议员议员们
The Commons is the same as the House of Commons. The members of the House of Commons can also be referred to as the Commons .
e.g. The Prime Minister is to make a statement in the Commons this afternoon...
今天下午首相将在下议院发表声明 。
e.g. The Commons has spent over three months on the bill.
下议院在这项议案上已经花了3个多月的时间 。
10. see also: lowest common denominator
11. 共有的;相同的
If two or more things have something in common, they have the same characteristic or feature.
e.g. The oboe and the clarinet have got certain features in common...
双簧管和单簧管有些相似之处 。
e.g. In common with most Italian lakes, access to the shores of Orta is restricted.
和大部分意大利湖泊一样,奥尔塔湖岸不对公众开放 。
12. (兴趣或经历)共同的,相同的
If two or more people have something in common, they share the same interests or experiences.
e.g. He had very little in common with his sister.
他和姐姐几乎没有什么共同语言 。
13. to make common cause with someone -> see cause
the common good -> see good
common ground -> see ground
the common touch -> see touch
common 单语例句common是什么意思
1. The common man won't understand the business model because the government is paying for it.
2. Such frustrations were quite common and troubling for many Chinese businesses, but Xu began to see them as a business opportunity.
3. Fang sets his sights mainly on the academic and business worlds, where puffing up resumes and scholarly theses is a common practice.
4. Incentives to attract premium customers are expected to become a common practice for overseas lenders when they soon begin renminbi business.