commo是什么意思|commo的音标|commo的用法( 三 )

本章详细分析了王灼词在风格上的多元化倾向,以及词学思想与词作创作之间的矛盾,以及从中折射出的整个宋代文人所共有的一种对词爱而不敢公开言爱的态度 。
12. A common solution is to integrate more concurrent functional units in the processor and increase the instruction issue width.
目前可行的解决方案为增加平行运作的功能模组,并同时提高指令的发出率 。
13. We will explore some of the more common back problems and overview some effective solutions.
我们将一起分析常见的导致背疼的问题,并找出有效的解决方法 。
14. Constitutionally independent, he must grapple with the pending prosecution of scores of former paramilitary bosses and drug lords, while probing hundreds of claims that soldiers have killed civilians and supervising the digging up of some 30, 000 clandestine graves, as well as investigating common crime.
按宪法规定由无党派人士出任,司法部长必须应付许多前民兵领袖和毒枭悬而未决的仇恨指控,同时还要侦办数百起士兵杀害平民的索偿、监督挖掘约三万座偷摸下葬的坟墓,以及调查一般的犯罪 。
15. Over 50% of English language, in common use, is taken, directly or indirectly, from the Latin language.
超过50 %的英语,在共同使用,是采取直接或间接从拉丁语 。
16. The most common method of actuation is the electric motor actuator, as it is generally the most cost effective.
最常见的方法是电动马达执行机构,因为一般情况下,这是一种性价比最高的方法 。
17. Results: Hemorrhage was one of the most common clinical manifestations of DIC with malignant tumor.
对68例恶性肿瘤合并DIC患者的临床资料进行分析 。
18. Objective:The primary blood platelet reduction hemacelinosis is one kind of common hemorrhage disease.
原发性血小板减少性紫癜是一种常见的出血疾病 。
19. These autocephalous churches share a common faith, common principles of church policy and organization, and a common liturgical tradition.
这些autocephalous教会都有一个共同的信念,共同的原则,政策和教会组织,和一个共同的礼仪传统 。
20. Our main contribution of the thesis is in Chapter three, and a new kind of method to estimate the observational error variance, usually assumed a constant whose value can be evaluated, was brought up for Univariate Bayesian Normal Dynamic Linear Model, the most important and common one in practice.
在论文引言中,我们首先较为简要介绍了Box─Jenkins传统时间序列分析方法和它的研究现状,然后对贝叶斯动态线性模型及其预测进行了概述 。
common 词典解释
1. 常见的;普遍的
If something is common, it is found in large numbers or it happens often.
e.g. His name was Hansen, a common name in Norway...
他的名字叫汉森,在挪威是一个常见的名字 。
e.g. Oil pollution is the commonest cause of death for seabirds...
石油污染是造成海鸟死亡最常见的原因 。
Parsley is probably the most commonly used of all herbs.
欧芹可能是用得最多的一种药草 。
2. 共有的;共同的
If something is common to two or more people or groups, it is done, possessed, or used bythem all.
e.g. Moldavians and Romanians share a common language...
摩尔达维亚人和罗马尼亚人使用同一种语言 。
e.g. Such behaviour is common to all young people.
这种行为在年轻人中司空见惯 。
3. (物种)常见的
When there are more animals or plants of a particular species than there are of related species, then the first species is called common .
e.g. ...the common house fly.
4. 寻常的;普通的