commo是什么意思|commo的音标|commo的用法( 二 )

common 双语例句
1. Willfulness is a very intense character, but common sense should be a character, I hope I know a friend is a reasonable person, a good heart and a sincere heart!
2. common
2. I am always amazed when I heard people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and tha t if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclin ation to meet on the battlefield.
每当我听说体育运动能够在国家间建立起友好感情,说世界各地的普通人只要能在足球场或板球场上相遇就会没有兴趣在战场上相遇的话,我都倍感诧异 。
3. III. silicate mineral contain iron, include olive stone, black column stone, common picrite etc.
三、含铁硅酸盐矿物:有橄榄石、黑榴石、十字石、黑柱石、普通辉石等 。
4. The four most common phenotypes are A, B, AB, and O, referring to the type of antigen is presentor absenton the surface of a client's red blood cells, Routine testing usually involves only the Rh antigen. if an Rh-negative clinet receives Rh-positive blood, he or she will develop Rh antibodies, and future Rh-positive transfusions may cause a transfusion reaction. in pregnancy, antibodies from an Rh-negative mother may hemolyze fetal(erythroblastosis fetalis, or hemolytic disease of the newborn).
四种最普遍的表现型是A、B、AB、阿,这类型的抗原或表面上的一个客户的红血球、常规测试通常涉及到只有Rhantigen.if准备一Rh-positive接受血液,跟他或她将发展Rh抗体和未来的Rh-positive输血可能引起输血反应,在怀孕期间的母亲可能会产生抗体hemolyze北京(erythroblastosis fetalis或胎儿的新生儿疾病溶血试验确定具体) 。
5. The most common causes of hay fever are
6. Rosebay, a common flower, isnot the most beautifl flower for me, but it is the most valuable to remind
【commo是什么意思|commo的音标|commo的用法】夹竹桃不是名贵的花,也不是最美丽的花;但是,对我说来,它却是最值得留恋最值得回忆的花 。
7. common的反义词
7. During July the thickets at lower elevations come into their own with the pinkish-white flowers of the rosebay rhododendron, by far more common in the park than the catawba rhododendron.
七月是生长在低地的粉红色杜鹃花的黄金季节 。这种粉红色杜鹃在大烟山公园要比紫红色的更为普遍 。
8. The paper mainly deals with following three aspects: offering a frame of filtering system in collecting high-precision data of weak signals when strong electromagnetic interferes and analyzing the corresponding errors, discussing common digital filtering theory and its realization with field programmable gate array, applying self-adaptive theory to reducing noise.
针对在强电磁干扰环境下闭环控制系统的数据采集问题,设计了弱信号的高精度数据采集滤波系统,并进行了相应的误差分析;讨论了常见数字滤波器的滤波原理及其基于现场可编程门阵列的设计实现,提出了自适应消除噪声的设计原理 。
9. common的翻译
9. One of the common perceptions about Linux is that it is too bloated to use for an embedded system.
在对Linux的普遍看法是,它太臃肿用于嵌入式系统 。
10. Chugging away, and the logistics of the chase defy all common sense.
如此荒谬的铺垫,总是让我觉得这个故事已经熄火了 。
11. This chapter describes the pluralism style in his lyrics, and the contradictions between his ideas and works, from which a common attitude on lyrics in Song dynasty can be observed - in favor of but no courage to speak out about the favor.