worthwhile worthwhile固定搭配( 二 )

It is worth pausing to consider these statements from Mr Davies.
戴维斯先生的这番话值得大家停下来思考一下 。
(3) 在be worth doing 结构中 , 除非句首用了形式主语it , 否则句子主语总应是其动名词的逻辑宾语;若其中的动词不及物 , 应考虑加上适当的介词 。如:
Nothing he said was worth listening to. 他说的话没有一句值得听 。
She's not worth getting angry with. 犯不上跟她生气 。
This idea is well worth considering.
这个想法很值得考虑 。
It's worth making an appointment before you go.
去之前预约一下是值得的 。
(4)It's more than one’s job's worth to do sth. 做工作所不允许的事;违反原则的事;可能丢饭碗的事
目前 , 这是小编发现的唯一一种worth接不定式的用法 , 希望朋友们加以关注 。如:
It's more than my job's worth to let you in without a ticket.
没有票就让你进去 , 我可能会丢饭碗的 。
2. 有关 be worthy 的搭配习惯
sth.be worthy of being done= sth. be worth doing
sth.be worthy of +n.(除金钱、时间、精力以外的其他名词)
sth.be worthy to be done
Sb(Sth.) be worthy to do
(1) be worthy 后不能直接跟名词、代词或动名词 , 若要接 , 应借助介词 of 。如:
【worthwhile worthwhile固定搭配】 Their efforts are worthy of your support. 他们的努力应得到你的支持 。
Her behavior is worthy of praise. 她的行为是值得赞扬的 。
(2) 与be worth后只接动名词不接不定式不同 , be worthy后不接动名词 , 而接不定式(若该不定式要表示被动意义 , 则应用被动形式) 。如:
He is worthy to receive such honor. 他应该得到这种荣誉 。
This suggestion is worthy to be considered. 这个建议值得考虑 。
(3) 若要在be worthy后接动名词 , 与后接名词时的情形一样 , 应借助介词of , 且该动名词若要表示被动意义 , 要用被动形式 。如:
He is worthy of filling [=to fill] the post. 这个职位他当之无愧 。
This suggestion is worthy of being considered [=to be considered]. 这个建议值得考虑 。
3.有关 worth while 的搭配习惯
be worth-while to do sth"值得做某事"
It is worth while to do 花时间区做某事是值得
It is worth while doing sth花时间区做某事是值得
It is worth one’s/the while to do/doing花时间区做某事是值得
sth. be worth while 某事值得花时间去做
sth. be worth one’s/the while 某事值得花时间去做
关于worth while用法的详细说明:
1). worth while 的意思是:值得做 , 值得花时间或精力 。
2). worth while 可以有三种书写形式:worth while, worth-while, worthwhile, 可用作表语或定语(作定语时通常要合写一词或用连字符 , 即除非用在名词前 , 否则可写成worth while) 。如:
The President's trip to Washington this week seems to have been worthwhile
总统本周的华盛顿之行看来是有价值的 。
It might be worthwhile to consider your attitude to an insurance policy.
考虑一下你对投保的看法也许有所助益 。
It is worthwhile to ruminate over his remarks.
他的话值得玩味 。
Is it worthwhile getting angry over such a trifling matter?
It is worthwhile to include really high-quality illustrations.
把真正高质量的插图包括进去是值得的 。
It didn't seem worthwhile writing it all out again.
把这再都写出来似乎不必要 。
If your water usage is very small it may be worthwhile opting for a meter.
要是用水量很小 , 就可以考虑装一个水表 。
The visit to Paris was worthwhile. 去巴黎访问是值得的 。
It’s a worthwhile (worth-while) book. 那是一本值得一读的书 。
Their sobering conversation brought home to everyone present the serious and worthwhile work the Red Cross does.
他们发人深省的对话使在座的每个人都清楚地认识到红十字会所从事的严肃而有价值的工作 。
3). 有时可在worth与while之间插入one’s 。如:
The work is worth our while. 这工作值得我们花时间(或精力) 。
4). worth (one’s) while 后可接不定式或动名词 。如:
It is worth your while to visit the museum. 这个博物馆值得你去看看 。
It might be worth your while to go to court and ask for the agreement to be changed
上法庭要求对协议进行改动也许对你有益 。
It might be worth your while to go to court. This is tricky, though, and you'll needexpert advice.