番禺区教育局招聘信息 番禺教育信息网( 六 )

-ageofwho do not havein the . Afterthe -ageof the owner with theof the( - ) to enter theand thewho meet theof "" and the -age , andthe -age 's place to solve theoftheto thearea, If there is any,will be given to the owner of thewho has notfor the child to enter the(orhigh ) in thefor the past 6 years ( 3 years ofhigh ) when thein( to theof a house and theforin the year of the owner).theMay 31 and owns 100% of theshare, the same below) . If theofwho meet the abovetheof, they will bein the order of ; if there areafterwho meet the above , thewill beby eachto theof the. Theof thewho fail toin thein thethe aboveneed to go back to the place ofto study, ortheby .
The owner is afrom , and must apply for the "" inhistoin the.ofwho meet theof " forwith " in ourcan apply for freeto theof otherin ourthestage byin theof " forwith " in our . Theof thewho haveboth theand the "for "cantoin the 'sor thethattheby "for ".
. In , only thegrade (first grade ofor first grade ofhigh ) will be set up for thegrade of the newly, and no otherwill be added in the . In , theforin aarea will notwho do not have theof the area to beinto. If theofwithin thewho apply forto thein thethe 's, thewhere theiswill makefor the .
二、Basicof Placein
-ageof the owner within the . The -agedof thewho meet theof " with each " will gothethetime, and thein theof theirwillfor them to enter theorhighto theof thein the . Those who do not meet theof "and " shall bein aorhighin theby theof thewhere theis .
-ageofwho do not havein the . If theof the owner'sdoes notto thearea, the 'smust be moved to thearea toa free. If the owner is awho has come toand hasfor the "" infor one year, he can apply for his child to enter theat thestage in ourbyin our 's "pointfor " .年级 。Those who arethe "pointfor " mustat thethetime; those who fail toon time will beasup the, and they will not beto enter thein ourin any form.
【番禺区教育局招聘信息番禺教育信息网】If a realin aarea hasanon theof theof the owner of thearea with the town(sub- ) or thewhere it is , in , theof theof the owner shall beto theof the . If theofthe 's, thewill be based on the above- basicfor theof thein the . The owner is afrom , and must apply for the "" inhe canto enter the first grade ofor the first grade ofhighin.