新加坡南洋理工大学研究员 王珊

王珊(新加坡南洋理工大学研究员)【新加坡南洋理工大学研究员 王珊】王珊,汉族,新加坡南洋理工大学研究员 。
工作单位Nanyang Technological University, Singapore新加坡南洋理工大学着作期刊论文(1) Wang, Shan. 2007. Explorations of Dictionary Users Guides. Lexicographical Studies (5). pp. 78-80. [ISSN: 1000-6125; CN: 31-1997/G2]王珊. 2007. 凡例显示辞书的性质、内容与特色. 辞书研究 (5). pp.78-80. [ISSN: 1000-6125; CN: 31-1997/G2](2) Wang, Shan. 2010. A Study on Interpretation Languages of the Glossary in Boya Chinese. Journal of Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University (4). pp. 41-46. [ISSN: 1007-3558; CN: 36-1325/Z]王珊. 2010. 《博雅汉语》的生词表注释语种研究. 江西科技师範学院学报 (04). pp.41-46. [ISSN: 1007-3558; CN: 36-1325/Z](3) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2011. Sense Representation in MARVS: A Case Study on the Polysemy of chī. International Journal of Computer Processing Of Languages (IJCPOL) 23 (3). pp. 285-306. [Print ISSN: 1793-8406; Online ISSN: 2010-0205]王珊,黄居仁. 2011. 基于动词辞彙语义表达理论的词义表征:“吃”研究. 国际计算机语言处理. pp. 285-306. [Print ISSN: 1793-8406; Online ISSN: 2010-0205](4) Wang, Shan. 2013. Corpus-based Assessment of New Words in Textbooks of Chinese as a Foreign Language. Newsletter of Chinese Language. (accepted) [ISSN: 1726-9245]王珊. 基于语料库的对外汉语教材生词评估. 中国语文通讯. [ISSN: 1726-9245]词典(5) Wang, Shan. 2006. Words from w to z. Sentence Making Dictionary for Students, ed. by Xinchun Su. Shanghai: Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House. pp. 518-677. [ISBN: 7532620557]2006. 《学生造句词典》. 上海:上海辞书出版社. [ISBN: 7532620557](6) Wang, Shan. 2009. Words from w to z. Sentence Making Dictionary of Modern Chinese, ed. by Xinchun Su. Shanghai: Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House. [ISBN: 9787532628520]2009. 《现代汉语造句词典》. 上海:上海辞书出版社. [ISBN: 9787532628520](7) Wang, Shan. 2013. Activities. A Thesaurus of Modern Chinese, ed. by Xinchun Su. Beijing: The Commerical Press. [ISBN: 9787100088688]2013. 《现代汉语分类词典》. 北京:商务印书馆. [ISBN: 9787100088688]书刊着作章节(带ISBN,正式出版)(8) Wang, Shan. 2008. A Study on Vocabulary Interpretation of CFL (Chinese as a Foreign Language) Comprehensive Textbooks--Taking Boya Chinese as an Example. Word Meaning and Computing, ed. by Hui Wang, Min Zhang, Minghui Dong & Kim Teng Lua. National University of Singapore, Singapore: Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society (COLIPS) Publication. pp. 449-464. [ISBN: 978-981-08-0972-0]王珊. 2008. 对外汉语综合课教材生词释义研究. 词义与计算, ed. by 王惠, 张敏, 董明会 & 赖金锭. 新加坡国立大学,新加坡: 中文与东方语文信息处理学会出版社. pp.449-464. [ISBN: 978-981-08-0972-0](9) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2010. Adjectival Modification to Nouns in Mandarin Chinese: Case Studies on “cháng+noun” and “adjective+túshūguǎn. Proceedings of The 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC-24), ed. by Ryo Otoguro, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Hiroshi Umemoto, Kei Yoshimoto & Yasunari Harada. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. pp. 701-705. [ISBN: 978-4-905166-00-9] 王珊,黄居仁. 2010. 汉语形容词对名词的修饰:以“长+名词”及“形容词+图书馆”为例. 第24届亚太地区语言、信息及计算研讨会论文集. Ryo Otoguro, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Hiroshi Umemoto, Kei Yoshimoto & Yasunari Harada主编,日本仙台:东北大学. pp. 701-705. [ISBN: 978-4-905166-00-9](10) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2010. Compositional Operations of Mandarin Chinese Perception Verb “kàn”: A Generative Lexicon Approach. Proceedings of The 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC-24), ed. by Ryo Otoguro, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Hiroshi Umemoto, Kei Yoshimoto & Yasunari Harada. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. pp. 707-714. [ISBN: 978-4-905166-00-9]王珊,黄居仁. 2010. 汉语动词“看”的组合机制:基于生成词库理论. 第24届亚太地区语言、信息及计算研讨会论文集. Ryo Otoguro, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Hiroshi Umemoto, Kei Yoshimoto & Yasunari Harada主编,日本仙台:东北大学. pp. 707-714. [ISBN: 978-4-905166-00-9](11) Wang, Shan. 2011. The Role of Corpora in Vocabulary Assessment of Chinese as a Foreign Language Textbooks. Proceedings of Language Use of Educational and Teaching Materials, ed. by Zhonghua Xia. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. pp. 103-113. [ISBN: 9787500494669]王珊. 2011. 论语料库在对外汉语教材生词评估中的作用. 教育教材语言论集,夏中华主编. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社. pp.103-113. [ISBN: 9787500494669](12) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2011. Compound Event Nouns of the ‘Modifier-head’ Type in Mandarin Chinese. Proceedings of The 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC-25), ed. by Helena Hong Gao & Minghui Dong. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. pp. 511-518. [ISBN: 978-4-905166-02-3] 王珊,黄居仁. 2011. 汉语偏正型複合事件名词研究. 第25届亚太地区语言、信息及计算研讨会论文集. 高虹,董明会主编,新加坡:南洋理工大学. pp. 511-518. [ISBN: 978-4-905166-02-3](13) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2012. Type Construction of Event Nouns in Mandarin Chinese. Proceedings of The First Workshop on Generative Lexicon for Asian Languages (GLAL-1), Workshop of The 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC-26). Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. pp. 582-591. [ISBN: 978-979-1421-17-1]王珊,黄居仁. 2012. 汉语事件名词的类型建构. 第一届亚洲语言生成词库理论研讨会, 第26届亚太地区语言、信息及计算研讨会论文集. 印尼大学信息工程学院. pp. 582-591. [ISBN: 978-979-1421-17-1](14) Wang, Shan, Chu-Ren Huang & Hongzhi Xu. 2012. Compositionality of NN Compounds: A Case Study on [N1+Artifactual-Type Event Nouns]. Proceedings of The 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC-26). Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. pp. 70-79. [ISBN: 978-979-1421-17-1]王珊,黄居仁,许洪志. 2012. 名名型複合名词的组合性:以“N+人工类事件名词”为例. 第26届亚太地区语言、信息及计算研讨会论文集. 印尼大学信息工程学院. pp. 70-79. [ISBN: 978-979-1421-17-1](15) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2013. Towards an Event-Based Classification System for Non-Natural Kind Nouns. Chinese Lexical Semantics, ed. by Donghong Ji & Guozheng Xiao. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. pp.381-395. [Print ISBN: 978-3-642-36336-8; Online ISBN: 978-3-642-36337-5; Series ISSN: 0302-9743]王珊,黄居仁. 2013. 基于事件特徵的非自然类名词分类研究. In 汉语辞彙语义学. 姬东鸿,萧国政主编,柏林、海德堡:Springer. pp.381-395. [Print ISBN: 978-3-642-36336-8; Online ISBN: 978-3-642-36337-5; Series ISSN: 0302-9743] (16) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2013. Apply Chinese Word Sketch Engine to Facilitate Lexicography. Proceedings of The Asican Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX) 8th International Conference, Bali, Indonesia. (accepted) [ISBN: to appear]王珊,黄居仁. 2013. 套用汉语辞彙素描系统促进词典学发展. 第8届亚洲词典学会国际研讨会论文集. 印尼巴厘岛.(17) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. A Generative Lexicon Approach to Possessive Relations in Mandarin Chinese. Towards the Contemporary Cutting-edge Science of Modern Chinese Grammar, ed. by Yang Shen. Beijing: The Commercial Press. (accepted) [ISBN: to appear]王珊, 黄居仁. 基于生成词库理论的汉语领属关係研究. In 走向当代前沿科学的现代汉语语法研究, 瀋阳主编. 北京: 商务印书馆.(18) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. Inchoative State of Emotions. Springer. (accepted) [ISBN: to appear]王珊, 黄居仁. 情感的初始状态研究. Springer. (accepted) [ISBN: to appear](19) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. The Semantic Type System of Event Nouns: A Case Study on huìyì ‘conference’. Increased Empiricism: New Advances in Chinese Linguistics, ed. by Schmidt Zhuo Jing. John Benjamins Publishing Company. (accepted) [ISBN: to appear]王珊, 黄居仁. 事件名词的语义类型系统研究:以“会议”为例. In 增长的经验主义:汉语语言学新进展. 井茁主编. 约翰?班杰明出版公司.(20) National Language Monitoring and Research Center. 2008. An Investigation of the Usage of Characters and Phrases in the New Curriculum-based Chinese Textbooks. Language Situation in China: 2007 (II), ed. by National Language Monitoring and Research Center. Beijing: The Commercial Press. [ISBN: 9787100059053] 国家语言监测与研究中心. 2008. 基础教育语文新课标教材用字用语调查. 中国语言生活状况报告 (下编), ed. by 国家语言监测与研究中心. 北京: 商务印书馆.(21) National Language Monitoring and Research Center. 2008. 3000 Basic Words of the New Curriculum-based Chinese Textbooks. Language Situation in China: 2007 (II), ed. by National Language Monitoring and Research Center. Beijing: The Commercial Press. [ISBN: 9787100059053]国家语言监测与研究中心. 2008. 语文新课标教材3000基本词语表. 中国语言生活状况报告 (下编), ed. by 国家语言监测与研究中心. 北京: 商务印书馆.(22) Bond, Francis, Shan Wang, Huini Gao, Shuwen Mok & Yiwen Tan. 2013. Developing Parallel Sense-tagged Corpora with Wordnets. Proceedings of the 7th Linguistic Annotation Workshop & Interoperability with Discourse, Workshop of The 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-51). Sofia, Bulgaria. (accepted) [ISBN: to appear]弗兰西斯?邦德,王珊等, 2013. 套用词网开发词义标注的平行语料库. 第7届语言标注工作坊及话语的互操作性论文集. 第51届计算语言学会研讨会.保加利亚索非亚.会议论文集(仅列无ISBN的)(23) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2010. Sense Representation in MARVS--A Case Study on the Polysemy of chī. Proceedings of The 11th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW-11), Soochow University, Suzhou, China.王珊,黄居仁. 2010. 动词辞彙语义表达理论的词义表征:“吃”的多义性研究. 第11届汉语辞彙语义学研讨会论文集. 苏州大学.(24) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2011. A Generative Lexicon Perspective to Possessive Relation in Mandarin Chinese. Proceedings of The 12th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW-12). National Taiwan University, Taiwan. pp.201-213. 王珊,黄居仁. 2011. 从生成词库理论视角看汉语领属关係. 第12届汉语辞彙语义学研讨会论文集. 国立台湾大学.(25) Wang, Shan, Sophia Lee & Chu-Ren Huang. 2011. A Corpus-based Analysis of Semantic Type System of Event Nouns: A Case Study on huìyì. Proceedings of the 23rd North American Conference on Chinese Lingusitics (NACCL-23), ed. by Schmidt Zhuo Jing. Eugene, Oregon, USA. pp. 18-34.王珊,李逸薇,黄居仁. 2011. 基于语料库的事件名词语义类型系统:“会议”研究. 第23届北美汉语语言学会论文集. 井茁主编. 美国俄勒冈州尤金.(26) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2012. A Preliminary Study of An Event-based Noun Classification System. The 13th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW-13), ed. by Yanxiang He & Donghong Ji. Wuhan University, China. pp. 4-9.王珊,黄居仁. 2012. 事件名词分类系统初步研究. 第13届汉语辞彙语义学研讨会论文集. Yanxiang He & Donghong Ji 主编. 武汉:武汉大学. pp. 4-9.(27) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2013. Inchoation of Emotions. Proceedings of The 14th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW-14), Zhengzhou University, China.王珊,黄居仁. 2013. 情感的初始性研究. 第14届汉语辞彙语义学研讨会论文集. 郑州:郑州大学.会议宣读(仅列列无全文论文集的)(28) Wang, Shan. 2008. Ideas on Improving Sense Definitions of Chinese as a Foreign Language Dictionaries. Paper presented at The Fifth Lexicography Symposium for Young and Middle-aged Researchers, Chongwen Publishing House, Wuhan, China.王珊. 2008. 对外汉语词典释义改进的构想.第五届中青年辞书工作者学术研讨会, 武汉.(29) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2010. A Generative Lexicon Approach to Possessive Relation of Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at The Symposium Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Prof. Dexi Zhu and the 50th Anniversary of Prof. Jianming Lu’s Teaching, Peking University, Beijing, China. 王珊,黄居仁. 2010. 基于生成词库理论的汉语领属关係研究. 纪念朱德熙教授诞辰90周年和陆俭明教授从教50周年学术研讨会, 北京:北京大学.(30) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2010. Mechanism of Composition of Mandarin Perception Verb kàn. Paper presented at The 16th Symposium on Modern Chinese Grammar, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.王珊,黄居仁. 2010. 汉语感官动词“看”的组合机制. 第16次现代汉语语法学术研讨会,香港:香港城市大学.(31) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2010. Semantic and Temporal Features of Event Nouns. Paper presented at Annual Research Forum, Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (LSHK-ARF), Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.王珊,黄居仁. 2010. 事件名词的语义与时间特徵. 香港语言学会年度学术论坛. 香港:香港中文大学.(32) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2010. Sense Representation in MARVS: A Case Study on the Polysemy of chī. Paper presented at The 3rd Postgraduate Research Symposium: Language and Cultural Studies in the Pearl River Delta, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.王珊,黄居仁. 2010. 动词辞彙语义表征理论的词义表征:“吃”的多义性. 第三届珠三角地区研究生学术论坛,香港:香港理工大学.(33) Wang, Shan. 2011. A New Practice on Lexicon System Construction: A Case Study on the “Economy and Trade” Category. Paper presented at The 19th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-19), Nankai University, Tianjin, China.王珊. 2011. 辞彙系统建构的新实践:以“经济贸易”类为例. 第19届国际中国语言学会, 天津: 南开大学.(34) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2011. Derived Event Nouns in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at The 7th LSHK Postgraduate Research Forum on Linguistics (PRFL-7), City University of Hong Kong. 王珊,黄居仁. 2011. 汉语派生事件名词. 第七届香港语言学会研究生语言学学术论坛, 香港:香港城市大学.(35) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2011. Domain Relevance of Event Coercion in Compound Nouns. Paper presented at The 6th International Conference on Contemporary Chinese Grammar (ICCCG-6), I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.王珊,黄居仁. 2011. 複合名词事件强迫的领域相关性. 第6届现代汉语语法国际研讨会. 高雄:义守大学.(36) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2011. Event Classifiers and Their Selected Nouns. Paper presented at The 19th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-19), Nankai University, Tianjin, China.王珊,黄居仁. 2011. 事件量词及其对名词的选择. 第19届国际中国语言学会年会. 天津:南开大学.(37) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2012. A Constraint-based Linguistic Model for Event Nouns. Paper presented at Forum on "Y. R. Chao and Linguistics", Workshop of The 20th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-20), The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.王珊,黄居仁. 2012. 基于约束性语言模型提取事件名词. 赵元任及语言学学术论坛. 第20届国际中国语言学会年会工作坊. 香港:香港教育学院.(38) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2012. Qualia Structure of Event Nouns in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at The Second International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.王珊,黄居仁. 2012. 汉语事件名词的物性结构. 第2届汉语语言与话语国际研讨会. 新加坡:南洋理工大学.(39) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2012. Temporal Properties of Event Nouns in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at The 57th Annual International Linguistic Association Conference (ILA-57) , New York, USA. 王珊,黄居仁. 2012. 汉语事件名词的时间特徵. 第57届国际语言学会年会. 美国纽约.(40) Wang, Shan, Hongzhi Xu & Chu-Ren Huang. 2012. Light Verbs and Their Selected Nouns. Paper presented at XIX Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS-19), Paris, France.王珊,许洪志,黄居仁. 2012. 轻动词及其对名词的选择. 第19届欧洲汉语学会双年会议. 法国巴黎.(41) Wang, Shan & Chu-Ren Huang. 2013. Aspectualizers and Their Selected Nouns. Paper presented at The 21st Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-21), National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.王珊,黄居仁,2013. 体动词及其对名词的选择. 第21届国际中国语言学会年会. 台北:国立台湾师範大学.