此地无银三百两的故事寓意 此地无银三百两是什么意思 此地无银300两 下一句

此地无银三百两的故事寓意 此地无银三百两是什么意思 此地无银300两 下一句

【此地无银三百两的故事寓意 此地无银三百两是什么意思 此地无银300两 下一句】[Photo/pexels]
“此地无银三百两” , 字面意思是“No 300 taels of silver buried here” , 比喻一个人想要把事情隐瞒掩饰 , 结果反而暴露(A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence) , 可以翻译为“a very poor lie which reveals the truth” 。
你说这话不是此地无银三百两吗!What you said only gave yourself away.
你这是此地无银三百两 , 人们很快就会知道是你犯了错 。You gave yourself away by concealing the truth; people will soon find out what mistake you have made.