我要古琴的英文介绍和古琴历史有关典故的英文 。
琴,中国最古老的弹拨乐器之一,本世纪初才被称作"古琴" 。琴的创制者有"昔伏羲作琴"、"神农作琴"、"舜作五弦之琴以歌南风"等说,作为追记的传说,可不必尽信,但却可看出琴在中国有着悠久的历史 。
在先秦时代,琴已很流行,如《书经》:"搏拊琴瑟以咏";《诗经》:"琴瑟在御,莫不静好 。"据现有的图象及文献资料,琴至迟在汉末时已大致定型为后世通用的形制 。唐代制造的琴传存至今,与宋元明清时造的琴,仅有造形艺术风格上的区别和音色追求的区别 。
早在孔子时代,琴就成为文人的必修乐器,数千年来琴与文人的生活密切相关,孔子、蔡邕、嵇康、苏轼等都以弹琴著称 。琴的音乐神圣高雅,坦荡超逸,古人用它来抒发情感,寄托理想 。琴远远超越了音乐的意义,成为中国文化和理想人格的象徵 。
从唐代开始,古琴有了自己专用的记谱法,这种记谱法记录弦位和徽位、左右手的弹奏方法,但不直接记录音高 。它由汉字的部首、数字和一些减笔字拼合而成,称作减字谱 。减字谱记录古琴音乐的仔细程度和科学性,使现代的五线谱等记谱方法至今仍不能取代它 。用减字谱记录而传承至今的古琴谱有一百五十多种,保存了大量的古代音乐作品,是我国巨大而珍贵的音乐宝库 。
古琴的弹奏法、记谱法、琴史、琴律、美学等方面早已形成独立完整的体系,被称作"琴学" 。其内容精深博大,是中国传统音乐的代表,也是反映中国哲学、历史、文学的镜子 。在体现中国传统文化气息的能力上,没有一件乐器可以与古琴相比拟 。
我只找到中文的,再找人翻译一下吧 。
简介:扬州市广陵区卧龙古琴有限公司成立于2013年12月11日,主要经营范围为古琴、民族乐器销售等 。
In Hanyang of Hubei Province, there is an ancient Guqin Terrace. Its touching tale began more than 2000 years ago, when a man named YuBoya was famous for his zither(guqin) playing,but was always disappointed that no one understood his music. On the night of one Mid-autumn Festival, YuBoya, enjoying the scenery from a riverboat, started to play a tune. When he finished, cheers from a firewood gatherer, called ZhongZiqi, took him by surprise. After inviting him on board, YuBoya decided to test ZhongZiqi's knowledge by asking for the origin of his zither(guqin) and the meaning of two songs. ZhongZiqi answered perfectly. Knowing that he had finally found a friend who truly underetood his music, YuBoya proposed with to become sworn brothers with. They also agreed to meet again one year later.
When that long awaited day finally came, ZhongZiqi was not seen, despite YuBoya's calling on the zither(guqin) So YuBoya went to search for him. On the shore, He saw a grave that strangely faced the river. It turned out to be ZhongZiqi's grave.According to his last wish, the grave was built along the river so that ZhongZiqi could listen to YuBoya's songs even after his death. Deeply touched, YuBoya played a final heart-wrenching tune before breaking the zither(guqin) and promising never to play again because he had lost the only one who truly understood his music.
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