Risk什么意思 risk是什么意思 risk什么意思中文翻译( 六 )

II.根据汉语提示完成下列句子 。

1. — 你的手表怎么了?
— 它不走了 。
— ______ ______ _____ your watch?
— It’s doesn’t work.
2. 多吃蔬菜和水果对我们来说是必要的 。
It’s necessary ______ us ______ ______ more fruit and vegetables.
3. 那个男孩喜欢用英语和别人说话 。
The boy ______ ______ ______ others in English.
4. — 你怎么了?
— 我牙疼 。
— ______ ______ ______?
— I have a ______.
5. 你看上去气色不好,请躺下休息一下吧 。
You don’t look ______. Please ______ ______ and have a rest.
6. 你应该帮助你母亲做家务 。
You ______ ______ your mother ______ the housework.
7. 你介意调低音乐吗?
Would you ______ _____ ______the music?
8. 所有学生在为运动会做准备 。
All the students _____ _____ _____ _____the sports meeting.

III. 补全对话 。

Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogue. You have one more answer. Each choice should be used only once.

A: Hi, Peter. I see you wearing a pair of glasses. But you didn’t wear it before, did you?
B:(1) But I’m afraid I have to wear it now.
B: Because I get screen sightedness(近视症)and(3)
A:(4) What happened?
B: My doctor said that I watched movies or played games on my iPad quite a lot.
I suggest you not to do that like me.
B: You’re welcome.

A. Why? B. I’m sorry to hear that.
C. No, I didn’t. D. Thank you for your advice.
E. Yes, I did. F. I can’t see things clearly.



I. 按括号中的要求改写句子 。
1. enjoyed ourselves 2. It’s; to sleep
3. for us to eat 4. wrong with 5. don’t think; have
6. What’s; matter with7. have; headache
8. lies/9. didn’t need to 10. that; can buy

II.根据汉语提示完成下列句子 。
1. What’s wrong with 2. for; to eat
3. enjoys/likes talking with/to
4. What’s the matter; toothache
5. well; lie down 6. should help; with/do
7.mind turning down 8. are getting ready for

III. 补全对话 。
【Risk什么意思 risk是什么意思 risk什么意思中文翻译】1—5 CAFBD