Risk什么意思 risk是什么意思 risk什么意思中文翻译( 五 )

— What’s the matter? 你怎么了?
—I have a stomachache. 我胃疼 。
—What’s wrong, Tom? Tom怎么了?
—I don’t feel very well. 我感觉不太舒服 。


What’s the matter?和What’s wrong?后可接with sb. / sth.,即What’s the matter with sb./ sth.?或What’s wrong with sb./sth.?意为“某人/某物怎么了?”例如:
What’s the matter with you? = What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?
—What’s wrong / What’s the matter with your leg? 你的腿怎么了? —Nothing. 没什么 。

注意:matter是名词,其前只能加定冠词the;wrong是形容词,前面不需要加任何冠词 。能说What’s your wrong? 和What’s your matter?

2. —What should she do?
—She should take her temperature.

should作情态动词,意为“应当,应该” 。表示义务、责任,可用于各种人称,无人称和数的变化,也不能单独作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语气和情态;否定形式为should not,缩写为shouldn’t 。其主要用法有:
(1) 表示责任和义务,意为“应该” 。例如:
You should take your teacher’s advice. 你应该听从你老师的建议 。
You shouldn’t be late for class. 你不应该上课迟到 。
(2) 表示推断,意为“可能,该” 。例如:
The train should have already left. 火车可能已经离开了 。

3. But to his surprise,they all agreed to go with him.
(1) surprise作动词时,意为“使……惊奇,使……感到意外、吃惊” 。例如:
What surprised you? 什么事使你感到意外?
(2) surprise作不可数名词时,表示“惊奇,惊异” 。例如:
Her face showed surprise at the news.
听到这个消息,她的脸上露出了惊奇的表情 。
(3)surprise作可数名词时,表示“惊奇、惊讶、意外的事或吃惊的事” 。例如:
He gave me a surprise by arriving early.
他的早到使我大感意外 。
to one’s surprise意为“使某人吃惊的是……”;
in surprise意为“吃惊地 ” 。例如:
To my surprise, he passed the exam.
使我吃惊是,他竟然通过了考试 。
He looked at me in surprise. 他吃惊地望着我 。

4. He was not ready to die that day.
(1)ready 作形容词,意为“准备好的” 。例如:
Is everything ready? 一切都准备好了吗?
Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?
(2)be/get ready to + 动词原形,意为“准备做……” 。例如:
I’m getting ready to travel. 我正准备去旅行 。
be ready for意为“准备去……”,后接名词或动名词,同义短语为get ready for 。例如:
I’m ready for bed. 我正准备睡觉 。
The chicken will soon be ready for the pot.
这些鸡肉很快就可以准备下锅了 。

5. Aron loves mountain climbing and doesn’t mind taking risks.
mind作及物动词,意为“介意、照料、留神、注意” 。常用于疑问句、否定句、条件句中,后面接名词、代词、动词-ing形式或从句 。例如:
Would you mind opening the window? 你介意打开窗户吗?
Don’t mind me.不要管我 。
【拓展】mind还可作名词,意为“智力、头脑、想法、意见” 。例如:
He has quick mind. 他头脑敏锐 。
Tom changed his mind at last. 最后Tom改变了主意 。


I. 按括号中的要求改写句子 。
1. We had a good time in the park yesterday. (同义句转换)
We ______ ______ in the park yesterday.
2. Sleeping eight hours a night is very important. (同义句转换)
______ very important ______ ______ eight hours a night.
3. It’s important that we should eat a balanced diet. (同义句转换)
It’s important ______ ______ ______ ______ a balanced diet.
4. What’s the matter with you? (同义句转换)
What’s ______ ______ you?
5. I think I have a cold. (改为否定句)
I ______ ______ I ______ a cold.
6. She has a toothache. (对划线部分提问)
______ the ______ ______ her?
7. My head hurts. (同义句转换)
I ______ a ______.
8. There is a tall building in front of my house. (同义句转换)
A tall building ______ in front of my house.
9. He need not return the book three days ago. (同义句转换)
 He ______ ______ ______ return the book three days ago.
10. I hope to buy a present for my mother with my own money. (同义句转换)
 I hope ______ I ______ ______ a present for my mother with my own money.