suddely是什么意思|suddely的音标|suddely的用法( 三 )

当我握住门把手的时候,我听到一声惊叫,惊叫嘎然而止,接着是一声喀哒和一声巨响 。
19. suddenly的解释
19. Some, overcome by the heat or an attack of colic, suddenly pitched headlong never to get up again.
还有的,因为中了暑,或是发痧,走着走着,一头栽在地上,永不起来 。
20. You go along and then suddenly, poof!
活的好好的,突然间…没了 。
suddenly 词典解释
1. 突然地;出乎意料地
If something happens suddenly, it happens quickly and unexpectedly.
e.g. Suddenly, she looked ten years older...
突然间她看起来老了 10 岁 。
e.g. Her expression suddenly altered...
她的表情一下子变了 。
suddenly 单语例句
1. Many readers would not be able to afford to buy books if their prices suddenly increased.
2. It would mean public housing tenants who had been buying up private properties suddenly had found an attractive alternative.
3. The peaceful atmosphere is then broken as the crowd is suddenly taken by surprise with loud fireworks and striking drums.
4. A team used to being ignored suddenly turned up on magazine covers, network TV and President Bush's call list.
5. The caller would suddenly hang up in order to leave the parents in a panic.
6. He recalls their helicopter was struck by lightening when they flew over Cambodia in 2009, causing the aircraft to suddenly plummet 50 meters.
7. Why does a person's body lean forward when a car's brakes are applied suddenly?
8. Jackson died suddenly from cardiac arrest in Los Angeles on June 25 at the age of 50.
9. " I suddenly couldn't feel my legs, " the senior carpenter recalled.
10. Doctors told Zhang that part of the cataract that had clouded her vision had suddenly disappeared.
suddenlysuddenly 英英释义
1. quickly and without warning
e.g. he stopped suddenly
Synonym: abruptlyshortdead
2. happening unexpectedly
e.g. suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her side
Synonym: all of a suddenof a sudden
3. on impulse
without premeditation
e.g. he decided to go to Chicago on the spur of the moment
he made up his mind suddenly
Synonym: on the spur of the moment