suddely是什么意思|suddely的音标|suddely的用法( 二 )

11. The U. S. government aware of this matter later, and sent a named police officer went to the findings of Lyon, Lyon, go there after, they found where the town's residents have been infected may not know it was Lyon who infected long - looks like to do, a result, he went to an ordinary house to ask whether, Lyon just a question of circumstances, to see him behind and in front suddenly have a lot of strange people coming forward themselves, Lyon suddenly felt wrong, This to General Telephone, can be more surprising thing is even here, there is no signal, step by step, those who went to the Lyon, This is a woman, just get behind a motorcycle Chuang broken glass, Lyon mobile phone signal in here, Lyon immediately raised his cell phone and asked how it is one thing, the headquarters said: This is the city's residents have been infected with, and you must immediately destroy them, otherwise the virus will spread to the United States lead to disastrous consequences in various cities, Lyon has just a cell phone down and immediately picked up the pistol with the woman escaped with the tight encirclement half an hour later, they finally died Lyon is very pleased to this woman asked: What's your name and that name woman said: My name is Clayton Er, I have come to me brotherCosta Rica, and your brother What's your name called Chris Lyon asked she said.
美国ZF知道这件事情以后,并派出一名叫里昂的警员前去调查结果里昂到那后,却发现那里全镇的居民已经受到感染了,可那是里昂不晓得这些受感染的人长什么样子要干什么,结果他去了一间普普通通的房子问问究竟,里昂刚一问情况,就看见他后面和前面突然有一大堆奇怪的人正向自己走来,里昂顿时觉得不对劲,这才给总局联系电话,可更令人奇怪的事是竟然这里没有信号,那些人一步一步地向里昂走去,这是后面有一名女子正好拿摩托车闯破了玻璃,里昂的移动手机就在这里来了信号,里昂马上举起手机,问这是如何一回事,总部说:这个城市里的居民都被感染了,你必须马上消灭他们,不然病毒会传到美国的各个城市里后果不堪设想,里昂刚一放下手机,马上拿起手枪跟那名女子一起逃出重围半个小时过去了,这些人终于死了,里昂很开心的向这个女子问:你叫什么名字那名女的说:我叫克菜尔,我来找我哥哥的,你哥哥叫什么名字里昂问叫克里斯她说 。
12. But one day, Fang Zhongyong suddenly cried for writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper and said he wanted to write a poem.
可是有一天,方仲永突然哭着向家里人要纸墨笔砚,说想写诗 。
13. suddenly的意思
13. Then in 1993, Congress closed all federal search outside civilized fund suddenly.
然后在1993年,国会突然关闭所有联邦搜寻地外文明的资金 。
14. suddenly的近义词
14. Suddenly he put on the brake and jumped out.
猛然间他停住了,跳了下来 。
15. Natasha suddenly, as it were, shrank into herself, and unconsciously assumed a non-chalant air, which repelled Princess Marya more and more.
娜塔莎忽然精神萎靡不振,说话时带着不太客气的腔调,这就使得她和公爵小姐玛丽亚更疏远了 。
16. It's testament to the fever pitch of nationalism that even iconic figures can suddenly find themselves under attack.
17. Other passengers left their seats and came running over; suddenly the aircraft was rocked by a second blast as yet another engine exploded on the other side.
其他的乘客都离开了他们的座位胡乱走动,伴随着一两秒钟的爆炸,突然飞机摇摆了,原来另外一边的一个引擎也爆炸了 。
18. suddenly的反义词
18. Then suddenly I was reminded by an advertisement that I had promised to meet Richardson, the publisher, at two.