什么来到什么 倒什么什么因 倒什么因成语

什么来到什么 倒什么什么因 倒什么因成语


It must have rained last night,____ the ground is wet this morn-ing.
A.because B.for
此题答案选 for 。既然 for 和 because 均表示原因和理由,是否可互换?如何辨别其含义及用法呢?大家不妨用“倒果为因”法来辨别 。
所谓“倒果为因”,就是把结果说成原因 。在意义上,because总是表示因果关系,而 for 只是有时表示因果关系 。换句话说,be-cause 只能表示原因,而 for 则有时表示原因,有时表示结果 。如:
They missed the first train,for they got up very late. ( 原因 )
It is morning now,for the birds are singing. ( 结果 )
当 for 表示原因时,可与 because 替换,只是 for 引导的是并列分句,且只能置于句末,其前加逗号;而 because 引导的是状语从句,其位置可前可后 。
当 for 表示结果时一定不能用 because 替换,如文首之句就不能说成:It must have rained last night because the ground is wet thismorning.因为地湿并不是下雨的直接原因,也有可能是其它原故 。相反,地湿却可以说成是下雨的必然结果 。象这种把结果说成原因的“倒因为果”的说法只能用 for,不用 because 。再如:
It is going to rain,for barometer ( 气压 ) is falling.
The day breaks,for the sun is rising.
请用上述方法辨别下列各题该用 for 还是 because 。
1.He could not have seen me,____ I was not there.
3.It must be morning now,____ the birds are singing.
4.It was not daylight,____ the candle was burning.
5.The Emperor felt sorry ____ he knew that the people wereright.
【什么来到什么 倒什么什么因 倒什么因成语】6.The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news,____ thepeople had come to love him as an inspiring leader.
7.We must start early ____ we have a long way to go.
8.It must have rained much recently.____the river is so high.
Key:1,3,4,6,8.for 2,5,7.because