
classroom 基本解释
名词教室,课堂; 教学活动,教学方法
classroom 相关例句
【classoom是什么意思|classoom的音标|classoom的用法】1. classroom的意思
1. There are twenty four pupils in the classroom.
教室里有24个学生 。
classroom 情景对话
Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)
A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.
帕特上午怎么了?我见他考试一开始就离开了教室 。
B:He was found cheating and was driven out.
他被发现作弊,被老师赶了出来 。
A:If the principal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.
如果校长发现他作弊的话,会活剥了他他的皮 。
classroom 网络解释
1. 课堂:学习环境包括教师(teacher),课堂(classroom)及其所处之社会(community). 由此可见学习的环境和语言的学习有密切关系. 而本文将讨论学习的环境和外语教学的关系. 语言的学习是一条双程路(tw. 一way street). 学习者是一方面,
2. 教师:蒙特梭利教育法的核心与精髓是2C+2T,就是儿童(Children)在有准备的环境即教师(classroom)中,在指导教师(Teachers)的引导下通过使用教学用具(Teaching tools)去自发地探索和学习.
classroom 双语例句
1. classroom的翻译
1. Based on cognitive learning theory and the features of pupil`s psychology and age, this article explores methods of repeating words through the investigation, hoping to help student teachers and primary English teachers build up the knowledge system on how to get pupils repeat English words, expecting them to grasp some skills of vocabulary teaching as well as creating innovative English classroom.
本文从小学生的心理和年龄特征出发,以认知主义学习理论为依据,通过调查研究探究小学英语单词教学的方法,以期对师范生和小学英语教师建构课堂单词教读知识系统、掌握小学英语单词教读技巧、创造具有创新理念的教学具有一定的指导作用 。
2. classroom的近义词
2. My work is to clean the classroom.
我的工作是清洁教室 。
3. classroom的意思
3. However, if we really want to exert the above role and significance of performance evaluation in the primary school math teaching clssroom, the form of performance evaluation results should be simple, the goal should be clear. We should privide students with work paper, make the abstract thinking concrete. The performance task of the design should have moderate difficulty. When feedback, we can take full advantage of the performance differences between students. We can make the students thinking collide and influence with each other using the form of discussion and proper conduct of teachers. In short, the performance evaluation should be integrated with classroom teaching closely.
但是,要想真正发挥上述表现性评价的作用与意义,在小学数学课堂教学中,表现性评价结果的呈现形式应简洁,目标要明确;给学生提供作业纸,将抽象的思维具体化;在作业中,设计的表现性任务难度要适中;反馈时对于单一性任务可以充分利用学生之间的表现差异,采用讨论的形式,使学生之间的思维相互碰撞,互相影响,教师适当进行点拨和启发,而综合性和拓展性任务则采用成果汇报的方式,抽出一些课堂时间让学生做精彩的发言 。
4. Given her findings, Mangen says that the implications of digital technology should be considered when deciding whether to incorporate computer teaching tools into classroom instruction.
在她研究的基础上,Mangen说人们在将计算机作为工具引进课堂教学的时候,应当考虑数字技术的影响 。