雪基龙牛仔裤少女时代 雪基龙牛仔裤 金雅兰牛仔裤

从高腰裤、阔腿裤到紧身裤、喇叭裤,牛仔裤的流行趋势不断变迁,一起来看看曾经风靡一时的8种牛仔裤潮流都是怎么兴起的 。

雪基龙牛仔裤少女时代 雪基龙牛仔裤 金雅兰牛仔裤

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1. ACID WASH 酸洗牛仔裤
The acid washing process has its roots in 1960s surf culture. According to CRFashionBook, the trend really took off in the 1980s, after Guess released “the first pair of ‘pre-washed’ bleach-splattered jeans.”
酸洗牛仔裤源于20世纪60年代的冲浪文化 。据时尚杂志《CR》称,这款裤子是在20世纪80年代盖尔斯品牌推出了“第一条被洗出漂白斑块的牛仔裤”后真正流行起来的 。
雪基龙牛仔裤少女时代 雪基龙牛仔裤 金雅兰牛仔裤

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2. MOM JEANS 老妈牛仔裤
Just the term mom jeans conjures up an image of high-waisted rigid denim jeans with straight (but not tight!) legs. Supposedly, the high waist was meant to cover the tummy and prevent it from spilling over the top of the jeans, creating the dreaded muffin top—but usually, all it did was accentuate any visible fat and make you look frumpy to boot.
单是老妈牛仔裤这个名称就足以让人在脑海里浮现出硬挺的高腰直筒(非紧身)牛仔裤的画面 。按理来说,高腰裤本意是遮住小肚子,防止讨厌的腰部赘肉堆在裤头上,但这种裤子却往往突出赘肉,还让你显得很土气 。
muffin top: 腰部赘肉
to boot: 再者;除此以外
According to Emma McClendon, a fashion historian and the author of Denim: Fashion’s Frontier, “In the history of jeans as a garment, that high-rise, straight-leg, no-stretch-denim [template] is actually very typical.” That basic shape endured into the 1960s. The term mom jeans didn't become popular until 2003 (a.k.a., the era of super stretchy low-rise jeans) thanks to a Saturday Night Live sketch.
《牛仔裤:时尚先驱》的作者、时尚历史学家爱玛·麦克伦登指出:“无弹力的高腰直筒牛仔裤其实在服装史上一直是基本款 。”这种款式到了20世纪60年代还很常见 。老妈牛仔裤这一叫法是到2003年(超弹力低腰牛仔裤的时代)才流行起来的,这得感谢《周六夜现场》的一出短剧 。
雪基龙牛仔裤少女时代 雪基龙牛仔裤 金雅兰牛仔裤

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3. JNCO JEANS 阔腿牛仔裤
These ultra-wide, baggy pants featured briefly in the ‘90s teen movie Cluelessas the signature look for skater guys—which was exactly who they appealed to at first, before they became so popular that they could be found pretty much everywhere. The jeans debuted in 1993 and eventually boasted leg openings up to 50 inches. After becoming incredibly popular in the '90s and then falling out of favor, JNCOs have been revived several times.
裤腿超宽的牛仔裤曾是上世纪90年代的青少年电影《独领风骚》中滑板少年的标志性装扮,这款牛仔裤最开始吸引的也是滑板少年,后来变得非常流行,简直随处可见 。阔腿牛仔裤于1993年推出,后来裤腿设计得越来越宽,最后居然达到了50英寸(127厘米) 。上世纪90年代,阔腿牛仔裤风靡一时,后来就逐渐失宠,之后阔腿裤潮流又屡次复兴 。
雪基龙牛仔裤少女时代 雪基龙牛仔裤 金雅兰牛仔裤

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The first pairs of ripped jeans probably happened from actual wear and tear, and some have suggested that the trend of ripped jeans originated in the 1970s with punk bands. But eventually, the trend went way off the rails: Jeans with slashes up and down the legs could be bought new, often for exorbitant prices. Sometimes the tears went beyond rips to become full-on holes in the jeans.
第一条破洞牛仔裤很可能是穿久了磨破的,有些人指出,破洞牛仔裤的潮流源于上世纪70年代的朋克乐队 。但后来这一潮流玩过头了,人们甚至会花高昂的价格去买一条从上裂到下的新牛仔裤 。有的破洞牛仔裤上不止是有裂口,而是有大窟窿 。
雪基龙牛仔裤少女时代 雪基龙牛仔裤 金雅兰牛仔裤

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Bellbottoms may date as far back at the 17th or 18th centuries, when they were worn by sailors on American Navy ships (where they were eventually phased out in the years after World War II). Bellbottoms rose to prominence among youth of the 1960s as an act of rebellion.
喇叭牛仔裤或许可以追溯到17或18世纪,那时候美国军舰的海员就穿这种裤子(二战结束后喇叭裤逐渐被淘汰) 。上世纪60年代,年轻人开始流行穿喇叭牛仔裤来表达自己的反叛 。