
foul 基本解释
形容词[体]违反规则的,犯规的; 邪恶的; 难闻的,有恶臭的; 下流的
及物/不及物动词纠缠,纠结; [体]违反规则的
及物动词弄脏,使污秽; 使纠缠; 使阻塞
不及物动词腐烂; 缠结
名词犯规; 缠结; 碰撞
副词不正当地,犯规地; 碰撞地; 争执不和地
foul 同义词
foul 反义词
foul 相关词组
1. foul out : 因犯规被罚出场;
2. foul up : 弄脏, 污染;
foul 相关例句
1. The foul weather spoiled our vacation.
恶劣的天气把我们的假期糟踏了 。
2. Murder is a foul deed.
杀人是邪恶的行为 。
1. Smith ran into Jones and fouled him.
史密斯冲到琼斯身上,犯了规 。
2. This motorboat fouled a wooden boat.
这只机动船撞了一只木船 。
foul 网络解释
1. 犯规:22.犯规(FOUL)比赛中的一种违犯规则的行为. 23. 犯规击球(FOUL STROKE)在击球时,发生违反规则行为. 24.盘(FRAME) 从开球开始,直至击落所有的球或打满规定的分数,称为一盘. 25.自由球(FREE BALL)在斯诺克台球比赛中,
2. 规:22.犯规(FOUL) 比赛中的一种违犯规则的行为.23. 犯规击球(FOUL STROKE) 在击球时,发生违反规则行为.24.盘(FRAME) 从开球开始,直至击落所有的球或打满规定的分数,称为一盘.25.自由球(FREE BALL) 在斯诺克台球比赛中,
foul 双语例句
1. He sank a soft turnaround jumper, rimmed out a baby hook and drew a foul on his third attempt.
终于在第三次,安猪转身跳投命中篮筐,并博得了罚球机会 。
2. We wanted to foul before he took the shot and we definitely did that.
我们想赶在科比出手前犯规,而且确实做到了 。
3. I learned how to shoot a lay-up, a foul shot, and a 23-pointer.
4. In the next season, Rodman shot 23 more foul shots (at 53%) in 1000 fewer minutes and his field goal percentage plummeted to 43%.
下赛季他在1000分钟比上赛季多了23次罚球(命中率53%),而他的投篮命中率则下降到43% 。
5. The Lakers shot 45 foul shots (making 32) in beating the Clippers on Wednesday night.
湖人在对快船的比赛中获得45次罚球(罚中32个) 。
6. The shot fell and he was rewarded with an extra foul shot, which he duly converted.
投篮被盖,他获得一个额外罚球,这球他及时地进了 。
7. Bounce the ball before taking a foul shot for good luck.
在罚球之前先拍一拍球能带来好运 。
8. Man, Shaq fouled Yao at least twice on Yao's first few shot attemptsand no foul called.
9. I think it was a foul.
我认为它是一次犯规 。
10. I've had a foul morning.
我今天早上很不愉快 。
11. I think there has been foul play.
我想这里有阴谋 。
12. I've had a foul day at work.
我干了一天活儿够受的了 。
13. I`m calling a foul on you.
我要吹你犯规 。
14. I backed off, and that`s a technical foul. I`ll take it.
然后我退回来,这应该仅仅是一个技术犯规,我可以接受 。
15. At me as if I was something foul that he had stepped in.
16. But when others tell you not to fall foul of an over-developed sense of responsibility, they do know what they`re talking about.