foul是什么意思|foul的音标|foul的用法( 三 )

If you cry foul, you claim that someone, especially an opponent or rival, has acted illegally or unfairly.
e.g. Deprived of the crushing victory it was confidently expecting, the party cried foul.
失去了自以为十拿九稳的压倒性胜利,该政党声称对手违规 。
11. 不择手段地;采取一切手段地
If someone tries to achieve something by fair means or foul, they use every means possible in order to achieve it, and they do not care if their behaviour is dishonest or unfair.
e.g. They will only be satisfied if they regain control —by fair means or foul.
只有重新掌权他们才会满意——为此他们将不择手段 。
12. 惹恼;触怒
If you fall foul of someone or run foul of them, you do something which gets you into trouble with them.
e.g. He had fallen foul of the FBI.
他已经惹恼了联邦调查局 。
e.g. ...teenagers who run foul of the law.
13. 搞砸;弄糟
If you foul up something such as a plan, you spoil it by doing something wrong or stupid.
e.g. There are serious risks that laboratories may foul up these tests.
实验室很有可能搞砸这些试验 。
相关词组:foul up
foul 单语例句foul
1. New York pulled within six on Butler's hook with 24 seconds left, but chose not to foul as Detroit ran out the clock.
2. The period ended with him looking at an official to make sure he didn't get hit with his third foul at the buzzer.
3. You could really call a foul for them every time down the floor if you really wanted to.
4. " The sixth foul call on Jermaine was a tough call, " Indiana coach Rick Carlisle said.
5. Finley also made both of his free throws after Anthony Carter was called for a flagrant foul for grabbing Finley's jersey on a break.
6. No " cash transaction " is used, therefore eliminating any trace of foul play.
7. But after years of courting controversy - and earning millions in the process - the company has finally fallen foul of the censor.
8. Lifetime achievement honoree Diana Ross urged younger performers to " keep it classy " and refrain from foul behavior.
9. A ventilation system pumps out the foul air, and new emergency lighting and clearer signage make the market more modern and customer friendly.
10. Francis added two foul shots with 22 seconds remaining and two more with 10 seconds left to clinch it.
foul 英英释义
1. an act that violates the rules of a sport
1. become soiled and dirty
2. make unclean
e.g. foul the water
3. spot, stain, or pollute
e.g. The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it
Synonym: befouldefilemaculate
4. make impure
e.g. The industrial wastes polluted the lake
Synonym: pollutecontaminate
5. commit a foul
break the rules
6. hit a foul ball
7. become or cause to become obstructed
e.g. The leaves clog our drains in the Fall
The water pipe is backed up
Synonym: clogchoke offclog upback upcongestchoke
1. especially of a ship's lines etc
e.g. with its sails afoul
a foul anchor
Synonym: afoul(ip)fouled
2. disgustingly dirty
filled or smeared with offensive matter
e.g. as filthy as a pigsty
a foul pond
a nasty pigsty of a room
Synonym: filthynasty
3. characterized by obscenity
e.g. had a filthy mouth
foul language
smutty jokes
Synonym: cruddyfilthynastysmutty
4. (of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines
5. violating accepted standards or rules
e.g. a dirty fighter
used foul means to gain power
a nasty unsporting serve
fined for unsportsmanlike behavior
Synonym: cheating(a)dirtyunsportingunsportsmanlike
6. offensively malodorous
e.g. a foul odor