tell的过去式 tell现在分词和过去式

初中英语300动词第16讲:动词 tell & talk 的用法!
tell & talk 是英语中最为常见的单词之一,其用法太常见,是每个英语学习者必会知识!
首先讲解 tell 的用法:
tells(三单)- telling(现在分词)- told(过去式)- told(过去分词)

tell的过去式 tell现在分词和过去式

tell 表示“告诉,讲述”
tell a story / tell stories 讲故事
tell a lie / tell lies 撒谎
tell a joke / tell jokes 讲笑话
1、tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事
也可以用 tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人(关于)某事
He told me the news.
He told the news to me.
He told me about the news.
他告诉我这个消息 。
2、tell sb. to do sth. 告诉/让某人做某事
Mom told me to take out the rubbish.
妈妈让我把垃圾倒了 。
tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事
I told him not to be late for school.
我告诉他上学不要迟到 。
The teacher told us not to eat in class.
老师告诉我们上课不能吃东西 。
tell的过去式 tell现在分词和过去式

3、tell sb. + 宾语从句, 告诉某人....
She tells me (that) Mr. Smith will be our new English teacher.
她告诉我斯密斯先生将会是我们的新英语老师 。
Did he tell you whether he would join the chess club?
tell sb. + 特殊疑问词+ to do 告诉某人...
He told me how to do it.
他跟我说过如何做 。
My father always tells me how to make decisions.
爸爸经常告诉我如何做决定 。
4、tell 还可以表示“区分,辨别”
tell the difference between... 辨别...(之间)的不同
I can&39;t tell the difference between the twin sisters.
我不能区分出这两个双胞胎姐妹的不同 。
Some children can&39;t tell the difference between letter b and d in writing.
一些孩子在书写时不能区分 b 与 d 。
tell sth. from... 把...和...区别开
It is difficult to tell Jim from his twin brother.
很难把Jim和他双胞胎哥哥区别开 。
tell的过去式 tell现在分词和过去式

今天我们分享的第二个动词是—— talk
talks(三单)- talking(现在分词)- talked(过去式)- talked(过去分词)
tell的过去式 tell现在分词和过去式

talk 表示“谈论,讨论,交谈”
At night, Jenny always talks on the phone.
【tell的过去式 tell现在分词和过去式】晚上Jenny总是在打电话 。
Stop talking now! 现在别说话了 。
1、talk to/with sb. 跟谁说话/讲话/谈话
Look, he is talking to/with Mr. Wang.
瞧,他正在和王先生说话 。
You can talk to/with your parents about anything.
你可以和父母说/交谈任何事情 。
I really don&39;t want to talk to him again.
我真的不想再跟他说话了 。
2、talk about... 谈论/说到...
What are you talking about?
We are talking about our new boss.
我们正在谈论我们的新老板 。
My teacher is talking to my mom about my study.
老师正在和我妈妈谈论/交流我的学习情况 。
3、talk back 顶嘴,回嘴
Teenagers are used to talking back to their parents.
青少年习惯跟父母顶嘴 。
“ It&39;s none of your business&34;, he talked back.
“这不关你的事”,他顶嘴道 。
tell的过去式 tell现在分词和过去式

talk 还可以作名词,表示“谈话,报告,演讲”
have a talk (to/with sb.) 和某人谈一谈
give a talk 做报告/演讲
tell的过去式 tell现在分词和过去式

以上是英语动词第16讲内容:tell & talk,下次更新动词 make 的用法(初中常考单词)