
messy 基本解释
形容词凌乱的,散乱的; 肮脏的,污秽的; 复杂的,麻烦的,难以应付的
messy 相关例句
1. She found herself in a messy spot.
她发现自己陷入了窘境 。
2. I can't find anything on this messy desk.
在这张堆放得乱七八糟的桌子上我什么也找不到 。
3. It's a messy business having a tooth taken out.
拔牙会弄得人很脏 。
messy 网络解释
1. 杂乱:因此,工具与系统难以与项目绩效关键因素充分有效地结合,这些因素包括个体动机与决策、领导质量的变化、杂乱(messy)的工作环境等. 在沟通与团队建设、关系与接口、培训、领导力等方面的不足与失效,拖累了太多的软件项目. 因此,
2. 混乱:James形容,由政府主导走向官商合作,这个过程是混乱(messy)和草率(sloppy). 他开始为西九占卜,西九的未来在玻璃球上出现:「一开始市民会不相信政府会缩减资助,然后是猛烈的投诉,政府一意孤行. 」我们的特区政府一向「顺从民意」,
3. 乱七八糟:39. Marvelous ! 棒极了! | 40. Messy! 乱七八糟.| 41. Never! 绝不!
messy 双语例句
1. Turk Malloy: I don't care if it gets messy.
特科·麦劳伊:我不在乎这是否真的像你所说的那样难以解决 。
2. Sex is great, but it can be quite messy too!
性爱是美妙的,但也可能是麻烦的 。
3. messy的近义词
3. Each of these four examples involves a messy problem, a model, some data, managerial judgment, and a successful, profitable outcome for the firm.
这四个例子都涉及到一个混乱的问题,一个模式,一些数据,管理判断,和成功,为公司获利的结果 。
4. Her basic message is routine with plenty of fun - she includes along the way lots of ideas for making mealtimes, for example, less stressful (having the child decorate their place setting themselves), organising messy children (make them clear up at the same time each day with a signature piece of music).
她将所有基本的程序都以有趣的方式呈现出来——包括通过什么方法可以更好的安排吃饭时间,举个例子,尽量减少孩子的压力(让孩子自己装饰他们的座位),如何教孩子养成爱干净的习惯(让他们跟着音乐的节拍来清理卫生)等等 。
5. messy的翻译
5. The music is still dominated by the fast and somewhat messy guitar riffs of founding member John Ricci and that still sounds quite okay nowadays I must admit.
音乐仍然是占主导地位的是速度快,有些凌乱的吉他连复段的创始成员约翰利玛窦和声音仍然相当好现在我必须承认 。
6. I try to clear up the messy and disheveled mind full of bewildering concerns and worries, but to no avail.
我设法充分清理杂乱和被弄乱的头脑的迷惑关心和忧虑,但毫无效果 。
7. At the blunt end are forced mergers: messy, but often effective.
钝器包括强制合并:乱糟糟,但往往有效 。
8. Want to rub the messy intention of it.
有想将它揉乱的意图 。
9. In this type of environment, keeping track of the proper loader to use for requesting a new class can be messy.
在这种环境中,跟踪合适的装入器以用于请求新类会很混乱 。
10. He explained that he just couldn't face leaving Lisa and the kids, who were still almost babies, and unless he could they should break it off while it was still secret, before things got messy, and all their lives lay scattered and ruined.
他解释说自己无法放弃丽莎和幼小的孩子们,最好还是趁着事情没有暴露,没有弄得一塌糊涂,两人的生活没有被毁之前,及早分手 。
11. Such tactics developed a messy military situation.