messy是什么意思|messy的音标|messy的用法( 二 )

这种战术打得敌人狼狈不堪 。
12. All at one time it can be brave, pitiful, squalid, heroic, messy, chivalrous, and obscene.
它可以同时是勇敢的,可怜的,悲惨的,崇高的,混乱的,豪侠的,丑恶的 。
13. He started raiding the messy cabinets and sink to look for a bowl and a spoon.
他在又脏又乱的壁橱里面翻腾着,想找个碗和勺子 。
14. But I did learn from an early age that if you write with a piece of paper under your hand that you don't smudge your work when writing with a messy biro or fountain pen!
15. What we`d do is die – probably more than once, and probably in horribly messy ways.
战斗机飞行员无时无刻不在面对这样的情形—也许具体情况有点差异,但混乱程度是相同的 。
16. So you see, I'm not messy.
17. Change a shoe to already made the habit of a lot of families into the door, pile messy shoe to be put in the place that take the door however, it is extremely clumsy apparently.
进门换鞋已成为许多家庭的习惯,然而一堆凌乱的鞋放在进门处,显然是极不雅观的 。
18. messy的近义词
18. In Xu Xiaoyan, s paintings, the compositions are mostly dominated by expanses of dark-colored soil, sometimes in a golden red lit by the setting sun, sometimes in a murky black, as the withered corn stalks amidst messy weeds look splendid in the twilight at sunset.
她的画面主体是丰厚的黑土,有时被夕阳映成金红色,有时呈阴沉沉的黑褐色 。
19. Me, Myself and My Messy Hair...
20. My son's room is always very messy.
我儿子的房间总是非常杂乱的 。
messy 词典解释
1. 邋遢的;弄脏的
A messy person or activity makes things dirty or untidy.
e.g. She was a good, if messy, cook...
尽管不爱干净,她还是个好厨子 。
e.g. As the work tends to be a bit messy you'll need to wear old clothes.
这个活儿有点脏,你需要穿旧衣服 。
She wrote it hastily and messily on a scrap of paper.
她在一张纸片上匆忙而潦草地写了下来 。
2. 混乱的;肮脏的;凌乱的
Something that is messy is dirty or untidy.
e.g. Dad cooks when Mum is busy, he makes me clean up my messy room...
妈妈忙的时候爸爸做饭,他还让我清理我乱糟糟的房间 。
e.g. Don't worry if this first coat of paint looks messy.
如果这第一层油漆看上去很脏的话,不用担心 。
3. (局面)混乱而复杂的,棘手的,难以应付的
If you describe a situation as messy, you are emphasizing that it is confused or complicated, and therefore unsatisfactory.
e.g. John had been through a messy divorce himself...
约翰自己也经历过一次十分棘手的离婚 。
e.g. Life is a messy and tangled business...
生活就是一件既混乱又复杂的事情 。
messy 单语例句
1. Obama called the process " messy " but said Karzai won in accordance with Afghan law.
2. It's a popular summer pastime, creating messy fountains by inserting Mentos mints into the cola.
3. This system is messy, produces virtually no added value in terms of investment return and is costly to administer.
4. Raising twins is complicated in any environment but when they are raised in a multicultural home the situation can get complicated and sometimes quite messy.
5. Leung's somewhat messy handling of the UBW controversy proved a letdown for many local residents, but that episode alone is not enough to strike Leung out.
6. The cook was apologizing for the messy state of her kitchen, but she was misunderstood because her Beijing visitors did not understand the local dialect.