icludig是什么意思|icludig的音标|icludig的用法( 四 )

10. including是什么意思
10. Advantage of logistics services including: domestic air transport, domestic rail transport, domestic auto transport route quickly.
优势物流服务项目包含:国内航空运输、国内铁路运输、国内快速干线汽车运输等 。
11. The following results can be concluded through the effects of temperature on fecundity and experiment population from spiders including Pardosa astrigera, P pseudannulat, Pirata tenuisetaceus, P.
从我国常见 1 0科 1 8种蜘蛛的温度实验数据中,找出温度对蜘蛛繁殖和实验种群增长影响的一般规律和不同种类蜘蛛繁殖的最佳温度 。
12. Based on historical references, the thesis will make a systematic analysis on the subject, including the manifestation, causes and harms of the thought.
为此笔者结合史料,对努尔哈赤和皇太极表现出来的重武轻文意识及其产生的原因、导致的不良影响等,做一较为系统的论述 。
13. Leading products, including machine, leveling machines, axle pressure capacity, shears and other forging products.
主导产品包括卷板机、校平机、轮轴压装机、剪板机等锻压产品 。
14. including
14. Any of various worms or wormlike animals of the phylum Annelida, characterized by an elongated, cylindrical, segmented body and including the earthworm and leech.
15. In recent years, according to market demand enterprises have developed the 5-50 million tons/year of compound fertilizer for high-temperature exhaust fan and fan, HTD series furnace fan, SGGSGY series of circulating fluidized bed boiler, and other special fan, a high market share, Praised by users, including high-temperature fan shell liner technology, transmission oil spill prevention technology group won the national patent.
近年来,企业根据市场需求先后开发了5-50万吨/年复合肥专用高温风机和尾气风机、HTD系列化铁炉风机、SGGSGY系列循环流化床锅炉等专用风机,产品市场占有率极高,深受用户好评,其中高温风机外壳衬层技术、传动组防漏油技术荣获国家专利 。
16. More than 400 types of seafood, including prawns such as these, are sold at Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market.
超过400种类型的海鲜,包括对虾如这些,在东京筑地鱼市场销售 。
17. Including the one you likely already have in your pocket.
可接近有一年的时间能使你发送内容给multiply 抱歉,今天时间有限,先翻译到这
18. But the sequel will also feature a varitey of new melee weapons including cricket bats and a katana swords.
然而,绝散借将非一个包含直棍球棒战威严士刀刀剑旧的远和兵器varitey 。
19. A Multidisciplinary methodology for aircraft design is not a single tool but rather a very large toolbox, including optimizers, the various analysis codes, an interface that enables the interaction of the various parts and an optimization strategy that makes the solution of a very complex problem amenable to an automated process.
1引言现阶段多学科设计优化的技术已由单一的优化器技术向MDO系统的集成方面发展,认为飞行器多学科设计不仅仅是一个单一的优化算法构成的工具,而是一整套优化工具箱 。
20. including
20. Readability depends on many factors, including the average length of sentences in a passage, the number of new words a passage contains, the grammatical complexity of the language used, etc.
易读度取决于多种因素,包括1文章中句子的平均长度,2文章中单词的平均音节数,3新单词的数量,和4所用语言的语法复杂程度易读度等 。
including 词典解释
1. (表示示例)包括
You use including to introduce examples of people or things that are part of the group of people or things that you are talking about.