there是什么意思 where是什么意思中文


there是什么意思 where是什么意思中文

there be句型
温馨提示:there be句型是中小学一个重要的句型,涉及的知识点也比较多,认真听,认真记忆 。本句型是总结性质的 。
一.你能说出下面的句子,在考查什么知识点吗?1. There is a book on the desk.
2. There are two pens on the desk.
3.There is some milk in the bottle.
4. There is a book and two pens on the desk.
5. There are two pens and a book on the desk.
6. There is a bottle of water in the bottle.
7. There are two bottles of water in the bottle.
8.There will be a meeting in our school.
9.There is going to be a sports meeting.
二 知识点讲解 there be 句型是中小学英语的必考内容 。掌握there be 句型,是很有必要的 。there的意思“那里”,你不能翻译成那儿是,要翻译成“有” 。
概念:there be表示“某处有某物” 。强调的是某个地方有什么东西 。
区别:there be和have
have表示某人/动物有 。
I have some books.我有一些书 。
The horse has four legs马有四条腿 。
there be表示某个地方有 。
There is a book in the bag.
在包里有一本书 。
There was a ruler on the desk yesterday.
昨天,在桌子上有一个尺子 。[这是过去的时态]
常见的结构:there is 和there are 。
过去式:there is——there was;there are——there were
?将来时:there will be
There will be a meeting tomorrow.
明天有一个会议 。
There isn't/aren't/wasn't/weren't +其他.
举例:There aren't any books in the class.
教室里没有一些书 。(否定句用any)
【there是什么意思 where是什么意思中文】肯定回答:Yes,there+is/are/was/were
否定回答:No,there isn't/aren't/wasn't/weren't
Is there a book on the desk?桌子上有一本书吗?
Yes,there is.是的,有 。
No,there isn't.不,没有 。
Are there two pens on the floor?
Yes,there are.
No,there aren’t.
一个重要的问题,什么时候用there is,什么时候用there are?
以下几个句子,代表不同的类型 。务必要掌握哦~~~
我们一起来看看其中的知识点吧 。
认 真 听
1.There is a book on the desk.
知识点:单数名词,用is. a book 是单数 。
2.There are two pens on the desk.
知识点:复数名词,用are. two pens是复数 。
3.There is some milk in the bottle.
4.There is a book and two pens on the desk.
知识点:就近原则 。a book and two pens其中a book离be动词近,所以用is 。
5.There are two pens and a book on the desk.
知识点:就近原则 。two pens and a book 其中two pens离be动词近,所以用are 。
6.There is a bottle of water in the desk.
知识点:a bottle of water关键词要看bottle是单数还是复数 。在这里,是一瓶,所以用is.
7.There are two bottles of water in the desk.
知识点:a bottle of water关键词要看bottle是单数还是复数 。在这里,是two bottles of water 两瓶,所以用are.
8.There will be a meeting in our school.
9.There is going to be a sports meeting.
知识点:there will be和there is going to be表示将要有 。
There are some books on the desk.
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