worthwhile worthwhile中文翻译

worth、worthwhile、worthy都有“值得”的意思 。但是三者在用法上还是有一些区别的 。到底有什么区别呢?咱们来看一下:

worth:在用法上具有“介词”性质,当然了,它本身是一个形容词,用于短语be worth (doing)sth 。
比如:The book,Jin Ping Mei,is a wonderful novel in China’s ancient novel history and it is definitely worth reading.
《金瓶梅》这本书是中国古代小说史上一尊不朽的丰碑,非常值得一读 。
所以worth的用法主要是be worth (doing)sth 。
咱们再来看worthy的用法 。worthy用作定语来修饰“人”或者“事业”等抽象名词,比如:Ximen qing leads a worthy life.
西门庆过着有价值的生活 。
worthy用作表语的时候,后面可以接被动语态的动词不定式,或介词 of 加名词或被动语态的动名词 。举例:
I don’t think the book Jin Ping Mei is worthy of being bought.
【worthwhile worthwhile中文翻译】我不认为《金瓶梅》这本书值得购买 。
再来一句be worthy+to be done的:
What is worth doing at all is worthy to be done well,for example,Jin Ping Mei is worth reading.
值得做的事情就值得做的很好,比如,《金瓶梅》就值得读 。
所以,对于高中学子而言,worthy的用法记住“be worthy of being done”或者“be worthy of to be done”,当然了,《金瓶梅》不要读 。
最后,咱们再来看worthwhile 。这个单词很好记,它后面加不定式或者动名词,记住这个词组:it is worthwhile to do/doing.
举例子:It wasn&39;t worthwhile to continue reading the book,Jin Ping Mei.
不值得读《金瓶梅》这本书 。
或者这句话可以改成:It wasn&39;t worthwhile continuing reading the book,Jin Ping Mei.
The ________ soldier said it was ________ to give up his rest time to save more people caught in the earthquake.
A. worth; worthy B. worthy; worthwhile
C. worthwhile; worth D. worthy; worthy
正确答案是B 。
worth:be worth doing
worthy:be worthy of being done 或者be worthy to be done
worthwhile:be worthwhile to do/doing sth