adolescent adolescent翻译成中文

adolescent adolescent翻译成中文

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adolescent adolescent翻译成中文

And indeed in many ways children are better off than they were a generation or two ago. Child mortality rates even in rich countries are still dropping. Fewer kids suffer neglect or go hungry. They generally get more attention and support from their parents, and many governments are offering extra help to very young children from disadvantaged backgrounds. As adolescents, fewer become delinquents, take up smoking and drinking or become teenage parents. And more of them finish secondary school and go on to higher education.
1.And indeed in many ways children are better off than they were a generation or two ago.
确实,从很多方面来说,孩子们比前一两代人那会儿过得更好了 。
(1)In many ways,“多维度,多方面来看”,用语叙述一件事从多个维度来看,同义的还有in many sides 。例句:Fire can help people in many ways.火焰能在很多方面帮助人 。
(2)Better off在这里做形容词表达 。Be better off,情况有所好转,例句:Obviously we're better off now that we're both working.现在我俩都工作,经济状况显然比以前好了 。假如换成the better off,这是作为名词性表达,意思是“富裕的人” 。
adolescent adolescent翻译成中文

2.Child mortality rates even in rich countries are still dropping.
即使在富裕国家,儿童死亡率仍在下降 。
(1)mortality rate死亡率的意思,但另一方面,其实mortality自身也有死亡率的意思,所以两个表达都可以 。
3.Fewer kids suffer neglect or go hungry.
得不到照顧或挨餓的孩子更少了 。
【adolescent adolescent翻译成中文】(1)neglect,意指主动的“忽视”,suffer neglect,遭到被人忽视,所以意指得不到照顾 。
(2)hungry,具有饥饿的意思 。这里的go hungry,指“挨饿”,而我们常用的be hungry,指人饥饿的状态 。
4.They generally get more attention and support from their parents, and many governments are offering extra help to very young children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
他们通常获得父母更多的关注和支持,还有许多政府为来自弱势背景的幼儿提供额外帮助 。
(1)这句词汇简单,很容易理解 。新一代的孩子得到比上一代的孩子更加多的关注和支持 。同时,政府也会对于弱势群体的孩子提供更加多的帮助 。
adolescent adolescent翻译成中文

5.As adolescents, fewer become delinquents, take up smoking and drinking or become teenage parents.
在青少年當中,犯罪、吸煙、飲酒或十幾歲就做了父母的人更少了 。
(1)Adolescent,意指年轻,青年 。同意的还有teenager,youth,相比这两个词汇,adolescent更加侧重于接近成年人的年龄 。例子:She doesn't understand the emotional problems of adolescents.她并不理解青年人的 情绪问题 。
(2)delinquent,这个词汇本身就有犯罪,欠款的意思,在这里更加倾向于表示“青少年罪犯”的意思 。例子:They are carrying out research on the causes of delinquent behaviour among young people.他们正在研究青少年违法行为的产生原因 。
(3)take up smoke,泛指吸烟这种行为 。Take up,一般指“接受或者使用某种服务”,一般作为第三者去形容某种行为,都可以用take up做开头 。例如:We are calling for government action to improve the take-up of state benefits.我们呼吁政府采取措施让更多的人享受国家福利 。
6.And more of them finish secondary school and go on to higher education.
更多人完成了中學學業並繼續接受高等教育 。
(1)很简单的一句话,需要注意的是,secondary school一般指“中学”,包括middle school(初中)以及high school(高中)两个阶级 。