excellent elles大瀑布之术

excellent elles大瀑布之术

413rdarticle 第413期原创双语推文
In recent years, Zhengzhou has been seeing an expanding “internationalized circle of friends” and has participated in more and more international exchange, during which, volunteer culture has become an embodiment of the city’s “soft strength”.
近年来 , 随着郑州国际朋友圈的日益扩大 , 国际交往活动越来越频繁 , 志愿者文化除了其本身的文化承载 , 还成了这座城市“软实力”的体现 。
excellent elles大瀑布之术

Photo:Ma Jian
From the 2019 (the fourteenth) Conference on Urban Development and Planning, the China International Tree Nuts Conference 2019, to the 12thChinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students, foreign language volunteers are becoming beautiful scenery of Zhengzhou’s city image presented to the world. These selfless communicators transmit civilization and pass on love with their fluent language and kindly smile.
从第十四届城市发展与规划大会 , 到2019年中国国际坚果大会 , 再到第十二届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛 , 无私奉献的外语志愿者们正在成为郑州向世界展现城市形象的一道亮丽风景线 。他们用流利的外语 , 用亲切的微笑 , 去传播文明 , 传递爱心 。
During Aug. 5-6, China International Tree Nuts Conference 2019 was held in Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, attracting more than 500 elites in the industry from over 20 countries and regions to attend. Fifteen volunteers from School of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou University provided English and German interpretation service, and greatly impressed the guests with their excellent foreign language communication skill and professional service attitude.
8月5日至6日 , 2019年中国国际坚果大会在郑州国际会展中心召开 , 来自世界20余个国家和地区的500多位业界精英参加大会 。来自郑州大学外国语学院的15名志愿者 , 为大会提供英语、德语翻译服务 。志愿者良好的外语沟通能力和专业服务态度 , 给与会者留下了深刻印象 。
In particular, in the China-Chile Walnut Matchmaking Fair, six volunteers provided one-to-one interpretation service to facilitate the communication between business representatives of the planter, shelling plant, exporter, importer and factory user from Chile and China’s tree nuts trading industry. In the tree nuts & dried fruit negotiation area, nine volunteers were dispatched to different tables to exert their foreign language ability to help businessmen from both countries have in-depth matchmaking for win-win commercial opportunity.
尤其是在中国智利核桃对接会上 , 6名志愿者为智利的数家厂商代表 , 包括种植者、脱壳厂商、出口商、进口商、工厂用户等 , 提供了一对一专职翻译服务 , 协助其与参会的中国坚果贸易行业代表交流洽谈 。而在坚果干果展位洽谈区 , 9名志愿者分布到不同的展位上 , 用流利的外语为双方做洽谈翻译 , 尽可能为广大国内外客商深入对接、互利共赢创造商机 。
Shi Saiyi, a junior from the English major of Zhengzhou University, said: “China International Tree Nuts Conference 2019 brings a good opportunity for merchants from all over the world to understand Henan and Zhengzhou, and also provides us foreign language volunteers with a platform for learning and promotion. We will be fully dedicated to the international activities held in Zhengzhou, using our professional translation and interpretation and positive mental state to contribute to the city’s development, to enhance ourselves in giving and to create a wonderful life in volunteering.”
郑州大学2017级英语专业的志愿者石赛依表示:“2019中国国际坚果大会 , 为世界各地客商了解河南、了解郑州提供了很好的机会 , 也为我们这些外语志愿者提供了学习提升的平台 。我们一定要用自己饱满的精神状态和专业的外语翻译 , 为在郑州举办的国际活动贡献力量 , 在给予中提升自我 , 在志愿中收获人生 。”
excellent elles大瀑布之术

In the last few years, Foreign Affairs Commission Office of the CPC Zhengzhou Municipal Committee has been exploring the establishment of a foreign language voluntary service team, and carried out the “Dove of Peace ? Zhengzhou Voluntary Service in Foreign Languages” program.