excellent elles大瀑布之术( 二 )

近几年 , 郑州市委外办一直在探索建立一支外语志愿服务队 , 大力开展“绿城使者?和平鸽”志愿服务活动 。
Voluntary service is a significant sign of the progress of modern social civilization. Volunteers are participants who voluntarily serve the public interest without gaining any benefits, money, and fame; at the same time, they are vibrant individuals shouldering responsibility for the city. Zhang Mengyuan, a junior from the French major of School of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, said that she has registered for each volunteer recruitment program and was especially grateful to be the volunteer of the 12thChinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students. When foreign players sang “People around the world are speaking in Chinese, the language of Confucius is getting more and more international...”, she was moved and felt proud of being Chinese; when foreign players cheered for Shaolin Kung Fu, she shared historical and cultural stories of the Central Plains to international friends and got proud of being a Henan native.
志愿服务是现代社会文明进步的重要标志,志愿者不仅仅是自愿进行社会公共利益服务而不获取任何利益、金钱、名利的活动者 , 还意味着一个个朝气蓬勃的个体 , 对于这座城市的一种责任和担当 。郑州航空工业管理学院外国语学院法语专业的大三学生张梦园说 , 每次志愿者招募活动她都会积极报名 , 特别庆幸能成为第十二届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛的志愿者 。当外国选手唱出“全世界都在说中国话 , 孔夫子的话 , 越来越国际化……”时 , 她热泪盈眶 , 为自己是中国人而自豪;当外国选手为少林功夫连声叫绝时 , 她给身边的国际友人讲解着中原历史文化故事 , 为自己是河南人而骄傲 。
What an awesome new generation of Zhengzhou youth!
看 , 这就是我们新一代的郑州青年 。
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Managing Editor : Xiong Vivi
Interviewed by Wang Yipin
New Media Editor: Wang Zhiyu
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