refuse的中文 refused refuse 中文翻译

(一)可带双宾语动词refuse [r?’fju:z] 拒绝(refused him a visa)
present [pr??zent] 授予,呈递 (present sb sth)
repeat [r??pi?t]重说,重新做 (repeat sb sth)
choose [t?u:z] 选择,挑选 (choose sb sth)
pour [p??] 倒;灌;注;涌 (pour sb another drink)
show [???] 引领;带领 显示;展示(show sb sth)
buy [bai] 买(buy sb sth)
teach [ti?t?] 教; 讲(teach sb sth)
promise [&39;pr?m?s] 承诺; 保证(promise sb sth)
ask [ɑ?sk] 询问; 问(ask sb sth)
bring [br??] 带来(bring sb sth)
lend [lend] (把某物)借出,借给(某人) (lend sb sth)
give [giv] 给;送(give sb sth)
award [??w??d] 授予;判定 (award sb sth)
tell [tel] 告诉;讲,区分(tell sb sth)
book [buk] 预订(book me a hotel)
cost [k?st] 花费;价钱为(cost me 5 dollars)
write [rait] 写(write you a letter)
【refuse的中文 refused refuse 中文翻译】pass [pɑ:s] 传递(pass me that book)
cook [kuk] 烹调,煮,烧(cook you a pretty meal)
send [send] 发送;派遣去;命令…去 (send you a text massage)
sell [sel] 卖; 出售(sell sb sth)
spare [spe?] 抽出;拨出;留出;匀出(spare you a ticket)
fetch [fet?] 去取(fetch sb sth)
leave [li:v] 把留下(leave sb a massage)
find [faind] 发现; 找到(find you a room)
read [ri:d] 阅读;看懂(read me a story)
return [r??t??n] 归还(return you the book)
draw [dr?:] 画;绘画(draw you a picture)
pick [pik] 采; 摘(pick you a flower)
sing [si?] 唱;唱歌(sing me a song)
take [te?k] 花费(时间)(take him five years)
(二)动词+宾+介+宾provide [pr?’va?d]提供;供应 (provide sb with sth)
whisper [?w?sp?] 低语;小声说(whisper sth to sb)
offer [?f?] 提议;提出(offer sth to sb)
share [?ε?] 共享;分享(share sth with sb)
inform [?n?f??m] 告知;通知(inform sb of sth)
remind [r??ma?nd] 提醒(remind sb of sth)
pay [pe?] 支付; 付钱(pay sb for sth)
owe [??] 欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于……(owe sth to sb)
accuse [??kju?z] 指责;谴责;控告(accuse sb of sth)
rob [r?b] 抢劫;盗窃;剥夺(rob sb of sth)
charge [t?ɑ?d?] 收费;控诉(charge sb of/for)
convince [k?n?v?ns] 使信服 (convince sb of sth)
save [seiv] 储存;保存;救命(save sb from)
prepare [pri&39;pε?] 准备;预备(prepare sth for sb)
divide[d??va?d] 分开 (divide sth into)
attach [??t?t?]] 系上;缚上;附加;连接 (attach sth to )
starve[ stɑ?v ] (使)饿死;饿得要死 (starve …to death)
choke [t??uk] (使)噎住;(使)窒息(choke…to death)
devote [d??v?ut] 献身;专心于(devote oneself to)
sentence [?sent?ns] 判决;宣判 (sentence sb to death)
persuade 说服;劝说(persuade sb into/out of doing)
add [?d] 添加 (add sth to)
protect [pr?u&39;tekt ] 保护,防卫(protect sb from)
treat [tri:t] 对待;治疗;款待 n. 款待;招待(treat sb to/with)
consider [k?n?s?d?] 考虑,斟酌,认为 (consider sb as)
spend [spend] 花钱;花费 (spend time/ money on sth/doing sth)
prefer [pr?’f?:(r)]更喜爱;钟爱;选择某事物(prefer sth to sth)
debate [d??be?t] 争论;辩论n. 争论;辩论(debate sth with sb)
reduce [r??dju?s] 减少,减低,缩小(reduce sth to)
stick [st?k]粘;粘贴(stick sth to/ on sth)
introduce [??ntr??dju:s] 绍;引见(introduce sb/ sth to sb)
change [t?e?n(d)?] 改变; 变化(change sth tinto)
compare [k?m&39;pe?] 比较(compare sth with/ to)
discuss [d??sk?s] 讨论,谈论(discuss sth with sb)
borrow [?b?r?u]借入,借来(borrow sth from sb)
combine [k?m?ba?n] (使)联合;(使)结合(combine sth with sth)
mix [m?ks] 混合;调配(mix sth with sth)
apply [??pla?] 涂;使用;有效;应用;运用(apply sth to)
transform [tr?ns?f??m] 转化;转换;改造变换;改革(transform sth into)
exchange [?ks?t?e?nd?] 调换;交换(exchange sth for sth)
adjust [??d??st] 调整;(使)适合(adjust oneself to)
distinguish [d??st??gw??] 显示……的差别;辨别(distinguish sth from)
connect [k?&39;nekt] 连接(connect sth to/with)
search [s?:t?] 搜索;搜寻;查找(search someplace for sth)
base[be?s] 以……为根据(base sth on sth)
consult [k?n?s?lt] 咨询;请教;商量(consult sth with sb)
focus[?f??k?s] 集中;聚集n. 焦点;中心点(focus sth on sth)