refuse的中文 refused refuse 中文翻译( 二 )

defend [d??fend] 保护;保卫(defend oneself/ sb against)
expose [?k?sp??z] 暴露;揭露;使曝光(expose sb/sth to)
involve [?n?v?lv] 牵涉;涉及;包括;使参与(involve oneself in)
concentrate[?k?nsntre?t] 集中;聚集(concentrate sth on)
fasten [?fɑ?sn] 系牢;扎牢(fasten sth to)
(二)动词带复合宾语push [pu?] 推 (push the door open)
lift [lift]举起;提起;抬起(lift his head up)
spell [spel] 拼,拼写(spell every word right)
get[get] 得到, 明白;让; 到达 (get my bike repaired)
beg [beg]] 请求;乞求(beg sb to do/ for sth)
expect [?k’spekt] 期盼;等待,预料;预计;期待(expect sb to do sth)
let [let] 让,使(let sb do sth)
see [si:] 看;看见(see…doing/ done/do)
help [help] 帮助(help…do/to do)
catch [k?t?] 抓住;抓住(catch…doing)
advise [?d&39;vaiz] 向…..提出意见;建议;忠告(advise…to do)
allow [?&39;lau] 允许;准许(allow…to do )
cause [k?:z] 引起;造成(cause…to do)
hate [he?t] 憎恨,讨厌 (hate sb to do/ doing)
influence [??nflu?ns] 影响,作用于(influence sb to do sth)
permit [p??m?t] 许可;允许;准许(permit sb to do sth)
hear [hi?] 听见(hear sb doing)
warn [w?:n] 警告,告诫(warn sb not to do)
request [r??kwest] 请求;要求(request sb to do)
make [meik] 使,让(make sb do sth)
require [r??kwa?? ] 需要(require sb to do)
watch [w?t?] 观看,看(watch sb doing/ do)
invite [?n’va?t] 邀请(invite sb to do)
appoint[??p??nt] 任命;委派(appoint sb to do)
find [faind] 觉得;发现; 找到(find it difficult)
take [te?k] 引领;使达到;花(时间)( take it easy)
keep 使保持(某种状态),记录,存储(信息) (keep himself awake)
shut [??t] 关上,合上 (shut the door tight)
spread[spred] 扩展,传播 (spread your hands wide)
paint [pe?nt] 绘画;粉刷 paint the wall white
dye [da?] 给……染色;染 dye one’s hair red
select [s??lekt] 挑选;选择(select him our monitor)
call [k?:l] 把??叫做;称呼??给…打电话(call …sb…)
lock [l?k] 锁,锁住(lock them out/in)
kick [k?k] 踢 (kick the ball away)
brush [br??] (用刷子)刷 (brush the snow off)
sweep [swi:p] 清扫,打扫;(sweep sth off)
squeeze [skwi?z] 榨;挤;(压榨squeeze sth out)
sew [s?u] 用针线)缝 缝制;缝合(sew sth on/ up)
wake [we?k] 唤醒(wake sb up)