英语经典句型180精讲之No.1:heebe句型 高铁是哪些世界之最英语( 三 )

A. seems to be
B. seem to be
C. is seeming to be
D. are
剖析:根据就近原则,首先排除B、D,而 there be 句型中有时不用动词be,而用come , live ,stand , lie,seem to be等,所以答案应从A、C中选 。感官动词一般不用进行时,故C也不正确 。答案为A.
There came a scent of lime-blossom.飘来一阵菩提树的花香 。
Once upon a time there lived a king in China.从前中国有一个国王 。
或涉及形象描述某事发生或某人某物到达、运动的不及物动词(come,appear,rise,enter,follow等) 。
There stand/lie/exist/remain/come 主语 。
As she turned around,there stood Gladys·
她刚一转过身去,就看到格拉迪斯站在那里 。
Long long ago,there lived a poor family near the sea·
很久很久以前,海边住着一个贫穷的家庭 。
There remains nothing more to be done.
没别的事情可做了 。
There exist different opinions on this question.
关于这个问题,存在不同的观点 。
There entered a handsome boy.一个英俊的男孩走了进来 。
1)、There is no use(in) doing.做……毫无用处
2)、There is no good(in) doing.做…毫无好处,没用
3)、There is no harm(in) doing.做……没有坏处
4)、There is no point(in) doing.做……没有意义,没用
5)、There is no sense(in) doing.做……毫无道理
6)、There is no use/good/sense (in)doing sth.做......没有用/好处/意义
7)、There is no use trying to explain.解释也毫无用处 。

I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.
我不希望有任何误解 。
There seemed to be no doubt about it.
此事似乎毫无疑问 。
There comes a point where you give up.
现在你该放弃了 。
There remains the problem of finance.
财政问题仍然存在 。
There appeared no imminent danger
眼前似乎没有危险 。
That woman there is the boss's wife.
那边那个女人是老板的太太 。
There goes the last bus (= we've just missed it) .
最后一班公共汽车刚开走了 。
There goes the phone (= it's ringing) .
听,电话铃响了 。
There goes my career! (= my career is ruined)
There remains considerable doubt over when the intended high-speed rail link will becomplete
人们对于拟建的高速铁路何时能竣工仍存有很大疑问 。
There's no way we can afford to buy a house at the moment
眼下我们无论如何也买不起房子 。
There's no question she is the best comedienne in this country.
她无疑是该国最优秀的女喜剧演员 。
There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有用
(1) There is no point in regretting. 后悔没有用 。
(2) There is no point in reasoning with him. 跟他说道理没有用 。
There is no doing sth. 不可能……;无法……
There is no doing.不(可)能……,很难…… 。此句型中的doing即动名词或动名词短语,多为表示“转述’’或“认知”的动词,
如:say,know,tell,talk.变为v-ing后一般可以跟what,when引导的疑问句 。
1)、There is no saying such words.
不可能讲这样的话 。
2)、There is no saying what will happen.
很难说会发生什么 。
3)、There is no knowing when we shall meet again.