
孙晔然【孙晔然】孙晔然,男,博士,中山大学地理科学与规划学院副教授、硕士生导师、中山大学“百人计画”引进人才 。
人物经历教育经历2011 - 2015德国海德堡大学 地理所 地理信息科学专业 博士 导师:Alexander Zipf 教授2008 - 2011中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 地图学与地理信息系统专业 理学硕士 导师:杜云艳 研究员(教授)2004 - 2008西北大学 城市与环境学院 地理信息系统专业 理学学士 导师:李天文 教授工作经历2019至今: 中山大学 地理科学与规划学院 副教授2019至今: 英国格拉斯哥大学 社会和政治科学学院 城市大数据中心 荣誉研究员2016 - 2019: 英国格拉斯哥大学 城市大数据中心 博士后研究员 (合作导师:Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah教授)2015 - 2016: 德国海德堡大学 地理所 博士后(合作导师:Alexander Zipf 教授)研究方向地理信息科学、城市信息学、大数据分析、城市交通与健康、时空分析与数据挖掘等 。社会兼职2015 -至今担任国际学术组织ICA Commission on Location Based Services的成员2016担任国际学术期刊Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards的客座编辑,负责专刊Big Data Methods and Volunteered Geographic Information in Urban Studies讲授课程中山大学(Sun Yat-sen University)本科生课程:地图设计、大数据分析与地理信息服务Undergraduate Courses: Map design, Big Data Analysis and Geographic Information Services格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow):Introduction to QGIS (Hands-on Course),2016 and 2017Advanced Research Methods in Urban Studies (Hands-on Course), 2016Urban Development(Summer School Course), 2018学术成果论着专利Google Scholar总被引次数:356,H-index:10,i10-index:12学术期刊论文(Journal Articles:20. Anejionu, O.C.D., Thakuriah, P., McHugh, A.,Sun, Y., McArthur, D., Mason, P., and Walpole, R. (2019). Spatial urban data system: A cloud-enabled big data infrastructure for social and economic urban analytics.Future Generation Computer Systems, 98, 456-473.19. Paule, J.D.G.,Sun, Y., and Moshfeghi, Y. (2018). On Fine-Grained Geo-Localisation of Tweets and Real-Time Traffic Incident Detection.Information Processing & Management,56(3), 1119-1132.18.Sun, Y., Moshfeghi, Y., and Liu, Z. (2017). Exploiting crowdsourced geographic information and GIS for assessment of air pollution exposure during active travel.Journal of Transport & Health, 6, 93-104.17.Sun, Y., Du, Y., Wang, Y. and Zhuang, L. (2017). Examining Associations of Environmental Characteristics with Recreational Cycling Behaviour by Street-Level Strava Data.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(6), 644.16.Sun, Y.and Mobasheri, A. (2017). Utilizing Crowdsourced Data for Studies of Cycling and Air Pollution Exposure: A Case Study Using Strava Data.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3), 274.15.Sun, Y., Mobasheri, A., Hu, X., Wang, W. (2017). Investigating impacts of environment factors on cycling behavior of bicycle-sharing users.Sustainability, 9(6), 1060.14.Sun, Y.and Paule, J.D.G. (2017). Spatial analysis of users-generated ratings of yelp venues.Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards, 2:5,13.Sun, Y.and Du, Y.Y. (2017). Big data and sustainable cities: applications of new and emerging forms of geospatial data in urban studies.Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards, 2:24, 12. Mobasheri, A.,Sun, Y., Loos, L., and Ali, A.L. (2017). Are Crowdsourced Datasets Suitable for Specialized Routing Services? Case study of OpenStreetMap for routing of people with restricted mobility.