中国科学院金属研究所研究员 王京阳

中国科学院金属研究所研究员 王京阳

王京阳(中国科学院金属研究所研究员)【中国科学院金属研究所研究员 王京阳】王京阳,博士研究生,博士生导师,高性能陶瓷材料研究部副主任,中国科学院金属研究所研究员 。研究领域:耐高温纳米层状过渡金属碳/氮化物结构陶瓷和超低热导率稀土硅酸盐、锆酸盐、氧氮化物结构/功能一体化陶瓷 。
在最近举行的第17次世界陶瓷科学院(World Academy of Ceramics)院士选举中,中科院金属所王京阳研究员通过严格的提名和独立评选程式,当选为世界陶瓷科学院院士(Academician of World Academy of Ceramics) 。
简历教育经历1988.09-1992.07 北京大学物理学院,学士学位1992.09-1995.07 中国科学院金属研究所材料物理专业,硕士学位1995.09-1998.07 中国科学院金属研究所材料物理专业,博士学位工作经历1998.07-2002.03 中国科学院金属研究所,助理研究员2002.03-2006.09 中国科学院金属研究所,副研究员2006.09- 中国科学院金属研究所,研究员2007.01-2007.12 日本国立材料科学研究所国际青年科学家中心(NIMS/ICYS), 研究员承担科研项目情况1.陶瓷材料结构与性能的电子、原子尺度模拟方法2.层状过渡金属碳/氮化物新材料最佳化设计和製备3.低热导率热/环障结构-功能一体化陶瓷新材料的预测与製备社会任职【1】物理学会内耗与力学谱专业委员会,专业委员会副主任、委员;【2】中国材料研究会青年工作委员会,理事;【3】中国硅酸盐学会测试技术分会,理事;【4】《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》杂誌,编委 。获奖及荣誉【1】奖励名称:高性能***热透波机理及热透波材料基础研究奖励等级:国家科学技术进步奖二等奖获奖日期:2011年12月【2】 奖励名称:高性能***热透波机理及热透波材料基础研究奖励等级:国家工业和信息化部科学技术进步一等奖获奖日期:2010年12月【3】奖励名称:三元层状可加工陶瓷的製备、多层次结构和性能关係及材料设计奖励等级:辽宁省自然科学一等奖获奖日期:2006年02月【4】奖励名称:Global Star Award奖励来源:美国陶瓷学会工程陶瓷部颁发获奖日期:2012年01月【5】荣誉名称:辽宁省“百千万人才工程”千人层次人选荣誉来源:辽宁省人力资源和社会保障厅等六个单位联合授予授予日期:2011年09月代表论着2003年~2012年:[1] Z. Li, B. Liu, J. M. Wang, L. C. Sun, J. Y. Wang and Y. C. Zhou, “Mechanism of intrinsic point defects and oxygen diffusion in yttrium aluminum garnet: first-principles investigation”, J. Am. 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Zhou, “Physical insight of superconductivity of Nb2AlC: in situ Raman spectrometry investigation”, J. Raman Spectroscopy[8] L. Y. Zheng, J. Y. Wang, J. X. Chen, and Y. C. Zhou, “Strengthening of Ti3(Si, Al)C2 by Doping with Tungsten”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. (2012)[9] L. Y. Zheng, J. Y. Wang, J. X. Chen, M. Y. Liu, and Y. C. Zhou, “Preparation, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of Nb4AlC3-Nb5(Si, Al)3 composites”, J. Am. Ceram.[10] H. Q. Nian, F. Z. Li, J. J. Li, J. Y. Wang and Y. C. Zhou, “Atomic-scale microstructure of Hf-Al-C ceramics”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc [11] H. M. Xiang, F. Z. Li, J. J. Li, J. M. Wang, X. H. Wang, J. Y. Wang and Y. C. Zhou, “Raman spectrometry study of phase stability and phonon anharmonicity of Al3BC3 at elevated temperatures and high pressures”, J. Appl. Phys[12] J. Zhang, J. Y. Wang and Y. C. Zhou, “Microstructure evolution of Zr2Al3C4 in Cu matrix”, J. Mater. Res.[13] H. Ding, B. Xu, C. Ni, J. Y. Wang and X. J. Jin, “Monte Carlo simulation of B2-L21 ordering transitions in Au-Cu-Al alloy systems”, J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ[14] B. Liu, J. Y. Wang, F. Z. Li and Y. C. Zhou, Theoretical elastic stiffness, structural stability and thermal conductivity of La2T2O7 (T = Ge, Ti, Sn, Zr, Hf) pyrochlore, Acta Mater[15] F. Z. li, B. Liu, J. Y. Wang and Y. C. Zhou, Hf3AlN: A novel layered ternary ceramic with excellent damage tolerance, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.[16] H. Q. Nian, L. F. He, F. Z. Li, J. Y. Wang and Y. C. Zhou, Crystal structure and theoretical elastic property of a new ternary ceramic HfAl4C4, J. Am. Ceram. Soc[17] L. Y. Zheng, J. M. Wang, X. P. Lu, F. Z. Li, J. Y. Wang and Y. C. Zhou, (Ti0.5Nb0.5)5AlC4: a new layered compound belonging to MAX phases, J. Am. Ceram. Soc[18] L. F. He, J. J. Li, H. Q. Nian, X. H. Wang, Y. W. Bao, M. S. Li, J. Y. Wang and Y. C. Zhou, Oxidation behavior of ternary carbide ceramics in Hf-Al-C system in air, J. Am. Ceram. Soc[19] C. F. Hu, L. F. He, L. Wu, J. Y. Wang, M. S. Li, Y. W. Bao and Y. C. Zhou, In situ reaction synthesis and mechanical properties of TaC-TaSi2 composites, Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Techno. [20] J. Y. Wang and Y. C. Zhou, Recent Progress in theoretical prediction, preparation and characterization of layered ternary transition-metal carbides, Annu. Rev. Mater. Res[21] B. Liu, J. Y. Wang, J. Zhang, J. M. Wang, F. Z. Li and Y. C. Zhou, Theoretical investigation of A-element atom diffusion in Ti2AC (A=Sn, Ga, Cd, In, and Pb), Appl. Phys. Lett[22] L. F. He, Y. W. Bao, J. Y. Wang, M. S. Li and Y. C. Zhou, Microstructure and mechanical and thermal properties of ternary carbides in Hf-Al-C system, Acta Mater.[23] T. Liao, J. Y. Wang, M. S. Li and Y. C. Zhou, First-principles study of oxygen incorporation and migration mechanisms in Ti2AlC, J. Mater. Res.[24] J. M. Wang, J. Y. Wang, F. Z. Li and Y. C. Zhou, Relationship between layered crystal structure and mechanical properties of M3AlN (M=Zr and Hf): A first-principles investigation, J. 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A., 2005【4】 “Ideal tensile and shear strength of ternary and binary ceramics by first principles investigation”, The Fourth China International Conference on High-performance Ceramics, Chengdu, China, 2005 【5】 “Atomistic deformation modes of nano-Laminate ternary transition-metal aluminumcarbides by first-Principles investigation”, The 30th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composite, Cocoa Beach, Florida, U. S. A., 2006【6】 “Pressure-induced polymorphism in Al3BC3: a first-principles study”, Material Science & Technology 2006 Conference and Exhibition (MS&T’06), Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A., 2006【7】 “Elastic stiffness and deformation mechanism of Y2Si2O7 by first-principles study”, Material Science & Technology 2006 Conference and Exhibition (MS&T’06), Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A., 2006【8】 “Tailoring mechanical properties of layered ternary MAX compounds by first-principles investigation”, (Invited), 31st International Cocoa Beach Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, U. S. A. 2007【9】 “Prediction of a new damage tolerant ceramic, Y2SiO5, by first-principles investigations”, Material Science & Technology 2007 Conference and Exhibition (MS&T’07), Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A., 2007【10】 “Tailor-made mechanical properties of MAX phases from first-principles investigations”, 2nd International symposium on SiAlONs and non-oxides, Ise-Shima, Japan 2007.【11】 “Making ceramics intrinsic “ductile”- predictions from first-principles calculation”, (Invited), 32st international cocoa beach conference & exposition on advanced ceramics & composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, U.S.A. Jan. 2008 【12】 “New developments on understanding the mechanical property, phase stability and defects of layered ternary compounds using first-principles calculation”, (Invited), 33rd international cocoa beach conference & exposition on advanced ceramics & composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, U.S.A. Jan. 2009【13】 “Making high-temperature ceramics intrinsic “ductile” – Predictions from first-principles calculation”, (Invited), 8th pacific rim conference on ceramic and glass technology, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2009【14】 “Development of new layered ternary nitrides, Hf3AlN and Zr3AlN, from experimental and theoretical investigations”, 6th international conference on nitrides and related materials, Karlsruhe, Germany, March, 2009【15】 “Design new layered ternary carbides by control of bonding heterougeneity”, (Invited), 34th international cocoa beach conference & exposition on advanced ceramics & composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, U.S.A. Jan. 2010【16】 “Structure and property control of ternary compounds”, (Invited), 12th international ceramics congress, Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy, June, 2010【17】 “Understanding the mechanisms of defects in MAX phases”, (Invited), 7th international conference on high temperature ceramic matrix composites, Bayreuth, Germany, Sep. 2010【18】 “Design, Structure and Properties of Nano-layered Damage Tolerant Transition-metal Carbides and Nitrides”, (Invited), 3rd international congress on ceramics, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 2010 【19】 “Materials design for low thermal conductivity ceramics”, (Invited), 35th International Conference and exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA., January, 2011【20】 “Understanding the Mechanisms of Point Defects in MAX phases”, (Invited), The 9th International Meeting of Pacific RIM Ceramic Societies, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July, 2011【21】 “Phase stability of Al3BC3: first-principles calculation and in situ Raman experiments”, (Invited), 36th International Conference and exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA., January, 2012【22】 “Complex silicides with extremely low thermal conductivity”, (Invited), International Symposium on New Frontier of Advanced Si-Based Ceramics and Composites (ISASC 2012), Seoul, Korea, March, 2012【23】 “Searching for new thermal barrier ceramics: from theoretical prediction to experimental development”, (Invited), 10th International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications, Dresden, Germany, May, 2012国际会议任职【1】 美国陶瓷学会主办的“国际先进陶瓷与複合材料会议(ICACC)”系列年会中任分会的组织者和主席 。【2】 美国陶瓷学会主办的“太平洋地区陶瓷与玻璃国际会议(PACRIM)”系列会议中任分会的组织者和主席 。获得专利[1] 一种无TiC杂质的Ti3SiC2材料的製备方法发明人:周延春 张海斌 刘明月 闫程科 王京阳[2] 一种原位热压/固-液相反应製备铬铝碳块体材料的方法发明人:周延春 林志军 李美栓 王京阳[3] 一种钇硅氧氮-氮化硼陶瓷基複合材料及其製备方法 发明人: 陈继新、陈琳、周延春、孙鲁超、王京阳[4] 一种以叔丁醇冷冻升华法製备多孔陶瓷的方法发明人:周延春、李端阳、李美栓、陈继新、王晓辉、王京阳[5] 一种利用微波法製备Y4Si2O7N2粉体材料的方法发明人:周延春、孙鲁超、王京阳[6] 一种原位反应製备钇硅氧氮陶瓷材料的方法发明人:周延春、孙鲁超、王京阳[7] 一种原位反应製备鑥硅氧块体陶瓷材料的方法发明人:王京阳 田志林[8] 一种原位反应製备鑥硅氧粉体陶瓷材料的方法发明人:王京阳 田志林[9] 一种原位反应製备鑥硅氧氮陶瓷材料的方法发明人:王京阳 孙鲁超[10] 一种钇硅氧多孔高温陶瓷材料的製备方法,发明人:王京阳 吴贞