内蒙黑蛋巢菌【内蒙黑蛋巢菌】内蒙黑蛋巢菌是由刘波、李榆梅定名,来自论文《黑蛋巢菌属新种和新变种》 。
编号NFG-89-37拉丁菌名Pachykytospora major G.Y.Zheng et Bi sp. nov.中文菌名内蒙黑蛋巢菌定名人刘 波 李榆梅NomenclaZheng Guoyang and Bi Zhishu发表文章黑蛋巢菌属新种和新变种ArticleA New Species of Pachykytospora作者刘 波 李榆梅AuthorZheng Guoyang and Bi Zhishu作者单位山西大学 生物系, 太原 030006摘要本文报导了黑蛋巢菌属 Cyathus 四个 新种和二个新变种, 它们分别是: 内蒙黑蛋巢菌 Cyathus neimonggolensis Liu et Y.M.Li, 盘柄黑蛋巢菌 Cyathus discostupitatus Liu et Y.M.Li,太原黑蛋巢菌 Cyathus taiyuanensis Liu er Y.M.Li, 毛被黑蛋巢菌 Cyathus hirtulus Liu et Y.M.Li, 天山黑蛋巢毛被变种 Cyathus tianshanensis Liu et Cao var.tomentosus Liu Cao et Y.M.Li,环状黑蛋巢武夷山变种 Cyathus annulatus Brodie var. wuyishanensis Liu et Y.M.Li. 全部模式标本保存在山西大学真菌标本室.AbstractA new species and a new record for china are reported in this paper The new species is Pachykytospora major G.Y.Zheng et Bi. and the new recocrd isPachyktospora tuberculosa (DC.: Fr.) Kotl. et Pouz. Chinese and Latin diagnosis of thr new species are given. All specimens mentioned above are deposited in the Herbarium of the Instituteof Microbiology of Guangdong Province? China.关键字黑蛋巢 菌属, 内蒙黑蛋巢菌, 盘柄黑蛋巢菌, 太原黑蛋巢菌, 毛 被黑蛋巢菌, 天山黑蛋巢毛被变种, 环状黑蛋巢武夷山变 种Key期刊真菌学报 8(2):101-112, 1989PublicationActa Mycologica Sinica (Chinese)? 8(3):pp.198-201? 1989分享省市内蒙古自治区乌审 旗PlaceHuian County? Guangdong Province? China採集地达布察 克镇群生或散生于草根和沙地上EnvironmentThe specimen is the fall brinch of broad-leaf tree which is formed white rotten wood? it collected from Gutian Natural Protection Region.海拨高度生态环境温带大陆性沙漠气候沙漠和半沙漠植物区系寄主生于草根和沙地上Habitatsubtropical monsoon climate broad-leaf forest zoneHoston the fall brinch of broaad-leaf tree採集人杜 复 刘 波Isolation PersonZheng Guoyang採集时间保存单位山西大学生物系真菌标本室, 太原 030006Preservation UnitThe Herbarium of The Institute of Microbiology of Province Guangdong? Guangzhou 510070? Guangdong Province? China描述等模式Speciman No.No.11124全文全文
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