英语修辞( 三 )


相关资料9.拟人(Personification) 拟人是把人类的特点、特性加于外界事物上,使之人格化的修辞格 。例如:… four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner,swheresthey struggled to survive the dust and fumes from a busy main road.(……四丛常绿灌木分别位于每个角落,它们忍受着从繁忙的大街上吹来的尘烟,挣扎着活下去 。)“挣扎”是有生命的物体的动作,作者给自然的花草赋予了生命,使它人格化 。10. 夸张(Hyperbole)夸张是一种故意言过其实,或夸大或缩小事物的形象,藉以突出事物的某种特徵或品格,鲜明地表达思想情感的修辞方式 。例如:Vingo sat stunned,looking at the oak tree. It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs—20 of them,30 of them,maybe hundreds.(文戈坐在那儿望着橡树惊呆了 。树上挂满了黄手绢——二十条,三十条,或许几百条 。)此句中20 of them,30 of them,maybe hundreds就是运用了夸张的手法,主观地渲染了气氛 。11.反语(Irony) 英语修辞格irony就是说反话,用反面的话来表达正面的意思 。这种修辞格可用来进行讽刺,但多数是用来表达一种善意的幽默或俏皮,故意说出与本意相反的话,例如:Slowly the old lady stooped to pick it (the cheque ) up. Her present,her lovely present. With trembling fingers she tore itsintoslittle bits. (老太太慢慢地弯下腰,把支票从地上捡起来,她的礼物,她的可爱的礼物!用颤抖的手指把它撕得粉碎 。)老太太八十岁寿辰那天,急切地盼望女儿回家看望她,稍稍安慰她那颗孤寂的心,然而盼来的却是女儿的一张冷冰冻的支票,这当然不是老人心爱的礼物 。故此处her lovely present是典型的irony,是句反话 。12.类比(Analogy)It is also a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance. 13.Metaphor(暗喻)It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. 隐喻(metaphor)这种比喻不通过比喻词进行,而是直接将用事物当作乙事物来描写,甲乙两事物之间的联繫和相似之处是暗含的 。For example, the world is a stage./ The diamond department was the heart and center of the store 。14.chiasmus(交叉)交叉(chiasmus)是英语中一种常用的修辞方式 。例如:Knowing something of everything and everything of something.着名学者周海中教授曾在《论英语交叉结构》一文中对这一常用的修辞方式作了全面而深入的研究 。他认为,这一修辞格具有很高的美学价值和积极的修辞作用 。分类保留原文即: to find an equivalent image. 如:Ani began pounding and yelling to be let out as the car screeched from the parking lot. But rock music blaring from the radio speakers drowned him out. 试译:当汽车从停车场急速驶过时,Ani开始猛烈敲打和大声呼喊,但是从车内喇叭发出的摇滚音乐淹没了他发出的声音 。再如:The policemen who patrolled the big city slum area that summer were sitting on a volcano. 那年夏天,在城市大贫民区巡逻的警察如同坐在火山口上 。实行翻译“补偿原则”所谓以补偿方法译比喻,就是在寻找对等形象无门的情况下,使用变通的方法,儘可能地对译文中比喻形象的流失作某些补偿,以求得译文与原文大致相等的可读性 。如:Cavorting and diving at breathtaking speeds,the beautiful birds (指鹰) mirrored each other in flight. A. 在空中翻飞嬉戏,时作闪电式俯冲,矫健的鹰双双携游于碧空 。B. 在空中翻飞嬉戏,时作闪电式俯冲,矫健的鹰比翼齐飞,形影相随 。再如:But after six years of a stormy marriage,Cewe decided to end it. She didn’t want her son to grow up thinking that kind of relationship was normal. 试译:六载婚姻生活,风雨交加,Cewe决定结束这种婚姻 。她不愿让她儿子在这样的环境里长大成人,并误以为这样的关係是正常的 。又如:Rudy knew they had severed the wrong rope and that it was the thick tow line that trapped him. “Try cutting the other rope!” said Rudy,his hopes,and his grip,eroding. 试译:Rudy发现他们割错了绳子,是那根粗的牵引绳缠住了他 。“把另一根绳子割断!”Rudy说 。此刻,他的希望,他的握力,似油将尽、灯将灭 。再如:The following week was family conference,something I dreaded. This was the day the dirty laundry got hung out to air in a private session between parent,child and counselor. 试译:下周将开家长会,这正是我害怕的 。在这一天,家长、孩子和辅导员将开私下的碰头会,列数孩子做的坏事 。再如:The operation may not succeed; it’s a gamble whether he lives or dies. 手术不一定成功,能否保住他的生命没有把握 。