“读懂中国”主题演讲|马布里:从NBA到CBA,中国文化哲学如何影响了我 中国之最为主题的演讲属于

由中国外文局国际传播发展中心·解读中国工作室与中国国家创新与发展战略研究会联合策划制作的“读懂中国”主题演讲,邀请CBA北京紫禁勇士篮球俱乐部主教练、前美国职业篮球运动员斯蒂芬·马布里,两届奥斯卡奖获得者、英国导演柯文思,故宫博物院学术委员会主任、中国文物学会会长单霁翔担任演讲嘉宾 。
今天推出首期演讲《从NBA到CBA,中国文化哲学如何影响了我》,演讲者为CBA北京紫禁勇士篮球俱乐部主教练、前美国职业篮球运动员斯蒂芬·马布里(Stephon Marbury) 。
以下为演讲内容全文 。
From NBA to CBA, how was I influenced by the Chinese culture?
△马布里(Stephon Marbury)
为人当如水一般 。我的朋友,
清空你的思想 。
没有形状,没有棱角,就像水一样 。
它就变成了茶壶 。
为人当如水一般,我的朋友 。
Be water. My friend
Empty your mind.
Be formless, shapeless, like water.
You put water into a cup,
it becomes the cup.
You put water into a bottle,
it becomes the bottle
You put it into a teapot,
it becomes the teapot.
Now water can flow
or it can crash
Be water, my friend.

大家可能觉得这段话非常熟悉,这就是水的哲学,中国著名的武术家李小龙所坚信的 。像李小龙一样,我也赞同这种观点 。我觉得每个人都像水一样,我们可以在生活中自由地流动,我们也可能摔倒或被摧毁 。
You are probably familiar with this poem that is the philosophy of water and that the late and great Chinese Icon Bruce Lee believed in. Like Lee, I also subscribe to this school of thought because we are all like water. We can flow freely in life or we can crash and be destroyed.
大家好,我是马布里 。
Ni Hao! My name is Stephon Marbury.
【“读懂中国”主题演讲|马布里:从NBA到CBA,中国文化哲学如何影响了我 中国之最为主题的演讲属于】可能有一些人不认识我,我是前NBA和CBA的职业运动员,也是一位创业者、慈善家以及现任CBA主教练,同时我也一直在人生的学习之路上 。来参加今天的演讲,我犹豫过 。我没有把握,因为我是个西方人,我是美国人,我有什么资格来这里和大家谈一位来自东方的传奇之人的哲学 。
For those of you who do not know me, I am a former NBA and CBA player, entrepreneur, philanthropist, current CBA head coach and an eternal student of life.
I was hesitant about coming here today to do this Talk. I was unsure because I thought you might think it odd that I, a native of the West I am from the United States of America would come to speak with you about the philosophy of a legend from the Far East.
一个外国人又怎么能够理解中国人的性格特质 。我已经在中国生活了十年时间,我拥抱了中国的文化和人民,我也学习中文,我会说一点中文,我也荣获了北京荣誉市民的称号 。这些给了我一点点权威,理解中国人到底是什么样的 。
I said to myself they may question how a foreigner could understand the character traits of the people of China. Well, I think living here for approximately 10 years, embracing the Chinese culture and its people, learning to understand and speak the native language, a tiny bit as well as becoming an honorary citizen of Beijing, allows me to speak with authority just a little about who the Chinese people are.