Bob Dylan 演唱歌曲 make you feel my love

Bob Dylan 演唱歌曲 make you feel my love

make you feel my love(Bob Dylan 演唱歌曲)【Bob Dylan 演唱歌曲 make you feel my love】《make you feel my love》是Bob Dylan原唱的一首歌曲 , 收录在他1997年的专辑《Time Out of Mind(被遗忘的时光) 》中 。是电影《许愿池艳遇》中的插曲 。这首歌讲述了不管到那里都要让另一半感受到爱 。
基本介绍外文名称:Make You Feel My Love
歌曲原唱:Bob Dylan
填词:Bob Dylan
谱曲:Bob Dylan
歌曲鉴赏原唱为鲍勃迪伦 , 后经多位流行乐手翻唱 , 比较经典的翻唱版本非Ronan Keating和Adele莫属 。在美剧《欢乐合唱团》中 , 由扮演Rachel Berry的Lea Michele演唱 , 献给扮演剧中Rachel男友Finn Hudson , 也是Lea已故男友的Cory Monteith 。电影《许愿池艳遇》的插曲(59分钟处) 。歌曲歌词英文歌词When the rain is blowing in your faceand the whole world is on your caseI could offer you a warm embraceto make you feel my loveWhen the evening shadows and the stars appear,and there is no one there to dry your tears,I could hold you for a million yearsto make you feel my loveI know you haven't made your mind up yet,but I would never do you wrongI've known it from the moment that we met,no doubt in my mind where you belong.I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue,I'd go crawling down the avenue.No, there's nothing that I wouldn't doto make you feel my loveThe storms are raging on the rolling seaand on the highway of regret.Though winds of change are blowning wild and free,you ain't seen nothing like me yetI could make you happy, make your dreams come true.Nothing that I wouldn't do.Go to the ends of the Earth for you,to make you feel my loveto make you feel my love中文版本一当风吹拂起雨滴打在脸庞巨大的压力让你无法喘息我能让你在我的臂膀中栖息让你感受到我的爱意当夜色朦胧 群星闪烁没有人能为你拭去泪水抱着你 直到万年让你能感受到我的爱意我知道你还没有作出抉择无论怎样 我都不会使你难过就在我们见面的那一刻我深深的知道你对我到底有多重要我经受饥饿与消沉我感到生活的不易不 我不会停下来去让你感受到我的爱意人生有时就像波涛汹涌的大海人生也会难免充满遗憾与后悔世事无常就像风一样肆意吹起只有我 会永远爱你我可以使你快乐 让你圆梦所有的一切 我都能做到为了你 我去到世界的尽头只是为了让你感到我深深的爱意中文版本二当雨落在你脸颊当世界将你抛下我可以给你一个温暖的拥抱让你感受到我的爱当夜幕低垂星光点点当没人替你拂去泪眼我可以搂着你 百万年让你感受到我的爱我知道你还没有下定决心但我永远不会让你伤心我确信从我们相遇的那刻起我就从未怀疑你该属于谁我食不下咽我低落消沉我步履蹒跚 徘徊在林阴小路我愿为你做任何事让你感受到 我的爱狂风在怒吼在翻滚的浪潮上在悔恨的航线上虽然多变的风正在肆虐但这一切你都不会看到因我已替你挡去我可以让你开心美梦成真我可以为你去做任何事为你走到天涯海角让你感受到 我的爱让你感受到 我的爱中文版本三当雨肆虐你脸颊当世界将你抛下我愿拥你入怀感受我胸膛的温度当夜幕低垂繁星点点当无人抚去你的泪眼我愿将你永世温存让你感受到我胸口的悸动我知道你心意未决但我永远不会背叛我确幸自我们初遇之时我就从未怀疑你心所属我宁愿风餐露宿宁愿遍体鳞伤宁愿步履蹒跚徘徊在林阴小路为你我愿倾尽所有让你感受到我如泣的血液风暴席捲怒海越过漫漫长路往事如风恣意飘散正如你从未见过如此完整的我愿我是你幸福的源泉是你梦想的彼岸为此我将倾尽所有追随你到天涯海角愿你听到我的心跳感受到我的爱 D&C中英文歌词版本一When the rain is blowing in your face当雨水打湿了你的脸颊and the whole world is on your case当整个世界都在指责你I could offer you a warm embrace此刻多想好好抱着你to make you feel my love能让你感到我的爱When the evening shadows and the stars appear,夜幕降临 , 群星初现and there is no one there to dry your tears,没有人为你拭去眼角的泪水I could hold you for a million years我愿永世将你捧在手心to make you feel my love.能让你感受我的爱I know you haven't made your mind up yet,我知道你仍未作出决断but I would never do you wrong.我绝对不会枉负你I've known it from the moment that we met我知道与你相遇的那一刻起no doubt in my mind where you belong.你在我心中的地位就已确定I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue,我愿意为你受饥挨饿 , 灰暗忧伤I'd go crawling down the avenue.我愿意为你蹒跚前行在大道上No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do没有什幺能阻拦我to make you feel my love.让你感受我的爱The storms are raging on the rolling sea人生如波涛汹涌的大海and on the highway of regret.生活中难免会存在种种遗憾Though winds of change are throwing wild and free,无常的狂风无法避免you ain't seen nothing like me yet.但爱你的心却永不腐朽I could make you happy, make your dreams come true.我能使你开心 , 我能使你梦想成真Nothing that I wouldn't do.我愿为你做任何事情 Go to the ends of the Earth for you,哪怕是与你一起走向世界的尽头to make you feel my love只是为了让你能感受我的爱to make you feel my love只是为了让你能感受我的爱中英文对照歌词版本二When the rain is blowing in your face当雨水吹在你的脸颊and the whole world is on your case当整个世界都处在你的情况I could offer you a warm embrace我能给你一个拥抱to make you feel my love让你感受我的爱When the evening shadows and the stars appear当夜晚的阴影和群星出现and there is no one there to dry your tears没有人为你擦乾脸上的泪水I could hold you for a million years我可以握住你一百万年to make you feel my love让你感受我的爱I know you haven't made your mind up yet我知道你还没决定你的想法but I would never do you wrong但我永远不会做你的错误I've known it from the moment that we met从我们相遇的那一刻起 , 我就知道了no doubt in my mind where you belong.在我的心里 , 你是属于我的I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue,我会挨饿 , 我会进入黑暗和忧伤I'd go crawling down the avenue.我会在大街上爬No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do没有 , 没有什幺 , 我不会做to make you feel my love.让你感受我的爱The storms are raging on the rolling sea风暴在翻滚的海上是猛烈的and on the highway of regret在后悔之路上Though winds of change are blowing wild and free儘管变幻无常的风吹的是狂热的和自由的you ain't seen nothing like me yet. 你还没有像我一样看见I could make you happy, make your dreams come true.我可以让你快乐 , 让你的梦想成真Nothing that I wouldn't do.没有什幺 , 我不会做Go to the ends of the Earth for you为你走到世界尽头to make you feel my love去让你感受我的爱古风版歌词此情感君怜细雨落君颜 , 凝噎冷暖间 。相看两相牵 , 此情感君怜 。夜落星斗繁 , 谁解泪阑乾 。执手越千年 , 此情感君怜 。君意似风闲 , 妾心若松坚 。如故虽初见 , 前生未了缘 。疾苦未曾嫌 , 贫贱亦如甘 。万事无不堪 , 此情感君怜 。疾风弄狂澜 , 寒雨湿荒阡 。风雨变无端 , 红丝今始连 。望君偿所愿 , 万事无不堪 。相随意绵绵 , 此情感君怜 。歌手介绍Adele出生地:英国伦敦托特纳姆