
websamba【websamba】websamba是国外一家提供asp免费空间服务的公司,主要靠广告盈利 。
websamba以下是他的免费空间介绍The FREE ASP web hosting service dedicated to creating a successful internet presence for businesses, organizations and individuals.We are the leaders in high-tech free ASP web hosting. We combine the most advanced Windows web hosting features to give you complete flexibility and reliability for your website. We run fast Windows 2000 servers using IIS 5.0. We offer the most state-of-the-art features like ASP 3.0, MS Access databases, FTP account and more. Check out the table below to see the web hosting service package we offer and register for your professional and easy to remember website!30 Mb Disk SpaceFTP Access AccountUnlimited BandwidthNo Set Up Charges!www.websamba.com/yourname/Standard ASP ScriptsNo Monthly Fees!Free ODBC System DSN Setupwebsamba已经完蛋了,从2007年8月开始websamba已经不能访问了,用ftp工具还能登入更新,web方式无论是更新还是浏览全都不行了 。