other是什么意思 other是什么牌子的啊( 四 )

所以我们需要选择一个能够代替单数可数名词的代词,那肯定是‘another’ 。这里有没肉的菜吗?
Are there any dishes without meat? So check out the noun here, it&39;s plural, &39;dishes&39;.
检查一下这里的名词,是复数的‘dishes’ 。我们不能将‘any’和‘another’连用,对吧?所以这里‘other’才是正确的答案 。
And we can&39;t say &39;any&39; with &39;another&39; right? So &39;other&39; is the correct answer. Do you accept &39;_ type of payment besides cash?
&39;Another&39; is right but what if it was &39;types&39;—plural? Then it would be &39;other&39;.
那就应该是‘other’ 。我需要再买个手机充电器,我自己的给丢了~
I need to buy &39; phone charger, I lost mine! So it&39;s a singular countable noun.
这是个单数可数名词 。那就必须是‘another’ 。
So it must be &39;another&39;. I don&39;t like oysters, but I love &39;_ kinds of seafood.
我不喜欢牡蛎,但是我喜欢其他的海鲜 。我们这里是复数可数名词,所以我们需要使用‘other’ 。
We have a plural countable noun here so we need to use &39;other&39;. Awesome! How did you go?
太棒了!你们做得怎么样?记住哦,决定使用‘other’还是‘another’取决于你们使用的名词,看它是单数的、复数的,还是不可数的 。
Remember that your decision to use &39;other&39; or &39;another&39; really depends on the noun that you&39;re using, whether it&39;s singular, plural or uncountable.
Now for the ultimate challenge, can you write a sentence into the comments below this video that uses both words? That would be awesome!
那么终极挑战呢,你们能在视频下面的评论区使用这两个单词造句吗?那超赞的!我会很快就会过去检查大家的句子的,如果你们有关于这节课程的任何问题的话,那也请大家添加在评论区吧 。
I&39;m going to come down and check out your sentences very soon and if you&39;ve got any questions about this lesson at all then please add them to the comments below.
Don&39;t forget to subscribe if you haven&39;t done it already, just down there and check back soon for some other useful videos to help you improve your English.
如果你们还没有订阅的话,不要忘记订阅哦,就在这下方,大家可以过来看看有没有其他有用的视频能够帮助大家提升英语 。如果你们非常喜欢这个视频的话,那你们就很幸运了,因为还有另外一个相似的视频 。
If you especially like this video, well you&39;re in luck because there&39;s another just like it right here. And I&39;ll make another one soon.
我也会很快出新的视频的 。再见啦!
I&39;ll see you then!