other是什么意思 other是什么牌子的啊( 二 )

We use it after &39;the&39; or a possessive word like &39;his other job&39; then followed by a singular or plural noun.
So can you think of some of your own examples like this?
你能想到类似于这样的例子吗?如果可以的话,把它们写在评论区吧 。
Add them to the comments if you can. Her other house.
他的另外一个房子 。另外一节课 。
The other lesson. Most of the time &39;other&39; is used with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns.
大多数时候呢,‘other’都是和不可数名词和复数可数名词一起用的 。你有其他的消息要告诉我吗?
Do you have any other information for me? So here &39;other&39; is a determiner for information.
这里呢‘other’是‘information’的限定词 。‘information’是不可数名词 。
&39;Information&39; is an uncountable noun. Do you know any other good books by this author?
你知道这位作者写的其他的好书吗?‘other’是限定‘书’是的,这是一个复数可数名词 。
So &39;other&39; is determining &39;books&39;, a plural countable noun. Got it so far?
But what about if the noun was singular like: his other job?
So &39;other&39; can be used with singular countable nouns that it needs another determiner, usually an article or a pronoun.
所以说呢,‘other’可以和单数可数名词连用,它需要另一个限定词,一般都是冠词或者是代词 。你不能说“我喜欢另一条狗” 。
So you can&39;t say &34;I don&39;t like other dog&34;. You need to say: &34;I don&39;t like her other dog&34; or &34;the other dog&34;.
你需要说:“我不喜欢她的另一条狗”,或者是“另一条狗” 。我们还可以使用单数单词“an” 。
We can use the single article &39;an&39; as well. Another, an another dog.
另外一个,另外一只狗 。当名词是单数而且可数的时候,你可以使用“another”作为限定词 。
So when the noun is singular and countable, you can use &39;another&39; as the determiner.
One of the sandwiches has cheese, the other sandwich doesn&39;t.
其中一个三明治有芝士,另外一个三明治没有 。注意这里的冠词‘the’,在‘other’之前 。
Notice the article &39;the&39; here, before &39;other&39;.
This makes it possible to use &39;other&39; with singular countable nouns and this happens in really specific situations.
这就可以将‘other’和单数可数名词连用,但是这只出现在特定的情形中 。当你在谈论两件事物或者是两个人的第二个事物或者是第二个人的时候,你就可以使用‘the other’ 。
You can use &39;the other&39; when you&39;re talking about two things or people and you want to talk about the second thing or person.
The first sandwich has cheese, the second or the other doesn&39;t.
第一个三明治有芝士,但是第二个或者是另一个没有 。她一只手腕上戴着手链,另一只手腕上戴着手表 。
She has a bracelet on one wrist and on the other she wears a watch.
So she has two wrists, the first has a bracelet and the second has a watch.
她有两个手腕,第一个是手链,第二个是戴着手表 。我不能只是说:
I can&39;t just say: &34;On the other wrist she wears a watch&34;, right?
Because the idea is incomplete, I would really leave the listener asking a question like: what was on the first wrist then?
&39;Another&39; is also used as a determiner so it can be used with singular countable nouns.
‘另外一个’也是一个限定词,所以它可以和单数可数名词连用 。你还有另外一个空房间吗?
Do you have another room available? So here &39;another&39; is the determiner to the singular countable noun, &39;room&39;.
这里呢‘another’是单数可数名词‘房间’的限定词 。我不能将‘another’和复数形式连用,我不能将‘another’和‘rooms’放到一起 。
I can&39;t use &39;another&39; with the plural form, I can&39;t use &39;another&39; with &39;rooms&39;.
If I want to ask if there are extra rooms available, more than one room, I need to use &39;other&39; instead, okay?
Do you have other rooms available? Or do you have another room available?
或者是你有另外一个空房间吗?但是这条规则是有例外的 。
There is one exception to this rule though.
&39;Another&39; can be used with a determiner with plural nouns when a plural noun has a number or a number phrase in front of it like &39;a few&39; or &39;a couple&39;.