


1.我后天就要搬走了 , 她说帮我拍下这些照片给她留念 , 虽然我们住在一起的时间很短 , 但是还是有点不舍的 , 因为又要回到一个人住的时候了 。
I shall be moving away the day after tomorrow. She said that she has taken these pictures for her memeories. Although we have only lived together for a very short time, I still feel a kind of hard to let go because I'll go back to live on my own again.
2.我的要求很简单 , 我只想要多一点问候 , 多一点沟通和多一点在乎 , 你可以做到吗?
My request is very simple. I only need a bit more time, a bit more communication and a bit more care. Can you do that?
3.在感情的世界里 , 我不知道为什么总是充当脆弱的角色 。
In the world of emotion, I realize that everything is merely acting as the role of weakness.
4.我想活得简单点 , 不要有太多烦恼和悲伤 。可是这一点都不简单 。
I want to live more simple, I don't want any worries and sadness but this is already not simple at all.
5.别装了 , 你真以为我有那么笨吗?你以为你换个用户名 , 换个头像我就不知道是你啊?
Stop pretending will you? Do you think that I am really that stupid? You think that change your user name and a new head picture and I would not know you?
6.昨晚我和室友在沙发上看电视 , 然后她很突然的站起来大叫了我的名字 , 我说怎么了 , 她一脸严肃的说:现在时间:2:22 , 接着她问我饿了吗 , 我说有点 , 然后她说那我们去吃pizza吧(那时候是晚上12:20) , 说完之后她又躺下去了 , 我过了很久才意识到她在说梦话 。。哈哈 。
I sat on the couch watching TV with my room-mate last night. Suddenly, she stood up and was shouting out my name loudly. I said: "What is the matter?" She said to me looking kind of serious: "Now the time is 2:22" Then she asked whether I was hungry. Then she said that we could go and have some pizza. (It was 12:20 at that moment) After that, she laid down and went to sleep. I only realized a while later that she was sleep-talking! Ha ha ha...
7.我不知道我的手为什么出现了这个伤口 。
I have no ideas why my hand has got this wound?
8.我昨晚梦到去理发 , 但那个发型师嫉妒我的头发那么长 , 居然把我的头发都剃光了 , 我是哭着醒来的
I dreamed of going to the hairdresser last night. The hair stylist was jealous of my long hair and had shaved my head bare. I woke up crying.
9.室友昨晚又说梦话了 , 她突然啊了一声 , 然后接着说“不要把网线插在煤气管道里 , 会爆炸的!”然后她又继续躺下睡觉了 。(不过相信我 , 我不是因为她爱说梦话我才搬走的 。)
My room-mate was sleep-talking again last night. She made a sound suddenly and said: "Don't plug the internet line into the gas pipe. it will explode!", then she laid down and went back to sleep again. (But believe me, I am not moving away because she sleep-talks.)
10.长期重复着做同一件事 , 真的令我感到很厌倦 。
Doing the same thing again and again for a prolong period really have made me feeling very bored.
11.最近的心情都有自己的情绪 。但是我会试着努力调整自己的情绪 。
I am feeling kind of moody recently but I will try my best to adjust my mood.
刚外出回来 , 迟了回答你 , 希望没有令你久等 。