工作中感悟用英文如何说 工作中的感悟用英文如何说

工作中感悟用英文如何说 工作中的感悟用英文如何说

工作中感悟用英文如何说 工作中的感悟用英文如何说 【工作中感悟用英文如何说 工作中的感悟用英文如何说】(1)、以医生职业为例;The job I like The doctor is my favourite job.It is a decent profession.The doctor never has to stay out under the hot sunshine,or in the cold wind.He always works in a clean room with air-conditioning.Sitting in the comfortable chair,he diagnoses the sick without any compassion,no matter how serious or what pain the patient feels.After listening to a little description of the anxious patient,he may interrupt the patient and tell him or her to take a long list of body check 。
译文:我喜欢的工作医生是我最喜欢的工作 。这是一个体面的职业 。医生从不需要在炎热的阳光下或冷风中呆在外面 。他总是在有空调的洁净室工作 。他坐在舒适的椅子上,毫无同情心地诊断病人,无论患者感觉多么严重或多么痛苦,在听了对焦虑患者的一点描述后,他可能会打断患者并告诉他或她做一长串身体检查
(2)、会计:I have five years of accounting experience in large companies, familiar with and love this kind of work. Careful and responsible, strong learning ability, can quickly adapt to the new environment. Like to constantly improve themselves, through self-study has been obtained accounting qualification certificate, and is also learning English major college self-study courses. Cheerful personality, good at communication, treat people with sincerity and courtesy. Team spirit. 。
译文:我在大公司有五年的会计工作经验,熟悉并热爱这类工作 。认真负责,学习能力强,能迅速适应新环境 。喜欢不断提高自己,通过自学获得了会计资格证书,同时也在学习大学英语专业的自学课程 。性格开朗,善于沟通,待人真诚礼貌 。团队精神 。
(3)、任何工种:Love sports, like to climb mountains with friends. I firmly believe that there is nothing you cant do, only if you want to do it or not, if you have the heart and courage to do it. Cheerful, active, optimistic, broad interests, conscientious, hardworking, down-to-earth, with a strong sense of responsibility and honor, team spirit, strong ability to work independently, active thinking, strong sense of innovation, good at accepting new things and new knowledge 。
译文:喜欢运动,喜欢和朋友一起爬山 。我坚信,没有什么事情是你做不到的,只要你想不想做,只要你有勇气和勇气去做 。开朗、积极、乐观、兴趣广泛、认真、吃苦耐劳、脚踏实地,具有强烈的责任感和荣誉感,具有团队精神,独立工作能力强,思维活跃,创新意识强,善于接受新事物和新知识 。