share怎么读 share怎么读音发音 音标

share怎么读 share怎么读音发音 音标

share的音标是英 [?e?]或美 [??r],句中作为动词和名词使用 。
1、n.一份 , 份儿;(分担的)一部分
( in/of) one part of sth that is divided between ten or more people
She signed away her share in the property.【share怎么读 share怎么读音发音 音标】

她签字放弃财产中属于她的那一份 。
Ive worked out your share of the expenses at£10.
我已算出你应分摊的费用是十英镑 。
3、股份;股票( in)
Her partner tried to trick her out of her share.
她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份 。
She would have liked to share with him the joy she had felt.
她愿意和他一起分享曾经享受过的快感 。