甲光向日什么鳞开修辞 甲光向日什么鳞开是什么意思( 二 )

本期排版:曼 曼
《越南陆龙湾五首(其三)》Five Poems of Tam Coc, Vietnam (No. 3)《鹧鸪天》 Partridges in the Sky《八声甘州》 Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song《春望》A View of Spring 《饮酒(其五)》Drinking(No. 5)
《蝶恋花 · 记得当时楼畔见》(To the Tune of) A Butterfly’s Love for Flowers《定风波 · 衡阳编组站》The Scaleshine Marshalling Station《过大兴安岭》A Visit to the Great Ice-Clad Mountains《赠从弟》To My Cousin (No. 2)《梁甫行》By Mount Arch《临江仙·东方太阳城闲住》 Leisure at the Oriental Sun Town《出河店古战场》Hedian, the Ancient Battlefield 《浣溪沙·星瓜月豆》Star Melons and Moon Beans《龟虽寿》Turtles Live long《初夏过圆明园》A Visit to the Summer Palace in Early Summer《鹧鸪天·上元过六榕寺》A Visit to the Six-Banyan Temple on the Lantern Festival《夜 坐》Sitting Up at Night《渡荆门送别》Farewell at Mt. Chastegate《使至塞上》To the Front as an Envoy《哀长沙》Alas,Long Sand!编辑:王傲霏, 二审:曼曼,终审:金石开