用英语祝福怎么说 祝福用英语怎么说 祝福语英语版简短

用英语祝福怎么说 祝福用英语怎么说 祝福语英语版简短

Blessing 释义:上帝的恩宠; 祝福; 祝颂; 赞同; 祝圣;
音标:英[?bles??] 美[?bles??]
Benediction 释义:(基督教的) 祝福,祝祷;
音标:英[?ben??d?k?n] 美[?ben??d?k?n]
wish happiness to 释义:祝福;
音标:英[w?? ?h?pin?s tu] 美[w?? ?h?pin?s tu]
Best Wish 释义:美好祝愿
音标:英[best w??] 美[best w??]

用英语祝福怎么说 祝福用英语怎么说 祝福语英语版简短

1、Rivers are a blessing for an agricultural country.
河流对于一个农业国家来说是一种恩赐 。
2、The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise.
去年12月份贸易谈判中止可能因祸得福 。
3、I must have been naive to think we would get my parents &39;blessing.
我一定太天真了,竟认为我们会得到我父母的祝福 。
4、With your blessing, I&39;ll certainly make it.
借你吉言,我一定会成功 。
5、With God&39;s love and blessing!
6、Thank you. I need your blessing.
谢谢你 。我需要你的祝福 。
7、Their hatred is a blessing to you.
他们的憎恨是神对你的祝福 。
8、God send me to blessing you.
我是上帝派来给你祝福的 。
9、The minister pronounced the benediction.
牧师做了赐福祈祷 。
10、She could only raise her hand in a gesture of benediction.
她只得举起手来做了一个祝福的手势 。
11、The Pope&39;s hands were raised in benediction.
教皇举起手来祝祷 。
12、The song hovered, like a whispered benediction, above the crowd.
歌声缭绕在人群上方,如同低声祝福 。
13、Please accept my benediction.
请接受我的祝福 。
14、I wish happiness to all my friends.
我祝福所有的朋友们 。
15、Wish happiness to you!
16、I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirits alive;
17、I wish you happiness, I waved to you.
祝你幸福、我挥手对你说 。
18、I will give my best Wish to you.
我会送上我最真的祝福 。
19、Best wish to you and your family!
20、Wish I can is wet you today best wish for happy birthday.
多么希望今天能和你在一起共祝你生日快乐 。
21、My best wish is your life&39;s happiness.
【用英语祝福怎么说 祝福用英语怎么说 祝福语英语版简短】我最大的心愿是你生活幸福 。